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Dress-up F.A.Q

=Stuff I often get asked on Deviantart

Q: Can you make a _____ dress up?
A: No.

Q: Can you make a _____ dress up? Just a suggestion.
A: No.

Q: I'm wondering if you could make a _____ dress up?
A: No.

Q: You should make a _____ dress up!
A: No.

Q: Did you know, _____ is a very popular series! It has very interesting outfit choices, and I think it'd make a great dress up! And a lot of people would totally love to play a game like that! It'd be a great addition to your gallery!
A: No.

Q: I want a dress up of ____ but I can't be bothered to make it myself, so I'm just wondering if you could do all the work for me for free since you seem to make dress up games?! Though I have no idea whether you like or have even heard of ____, but I still think it's cool to throw around requests that can take months to make to total strangers.
A: No.

Q: What game are you going to make next?
A: I don't know. I always have many simultaneous projects, and I start new ones as I get new ideas and abandon the ones I've lost interest in. It's a mystery to even me which games I'll actually manage to finish, and even thinking about the order I make them is completely out of question...

Q: What program do you use for making dress ups?
A: Adobe Flash CS3 Professional and Adobe Flash CS5 Professional.

Q: How do you make a dress up?
A: I made a tutorial on this here.

Q: How long does it take to make a dress up?
A: Hard to say. it depends on at least. Basically it can take anything from a few days to months.

Q: Where do you get your ideas?
A: When I watch/read a movie/book/manga/anime/etc I like, my mind is automatically subconsciously thinking "would this make a good dress up in my opinion". If the answer is "yes", I'll add it to my to-do list.

So giving "suggestions" is unnecessary, because if I know and like the series, I have already thought about making a game out of it, and it's not needed for a stranger to ask for it. On the other hand if I don't know or like the series, a stranger asking it won't change anything.

Q: I read the F.A.Q. but I'm still wondering if I could suggest ____ for you next dress up? I honestly have gotten even these
A: No.
