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Layout history

October 15, 2010

The first "layout" was nothing more than a green background. As people might have noticed I pay more attention to the content than to the layout, so I really couldn't be bothered to do anything.

July 21, 2011

After close to a year I finally bothered to do something. Yes, my idea of a new layout is "add a background and change the font". I wanted to have a fabulous clover theme, but that idea died as soon as I noticed it was bothersome to draw, and in the end I used Photoshop's premade leaves brush for the background.

The layout updated to CSS in this update, in the future it'll be easier for me to change it if I ever get there.

July 27, 2011

Changed the magpie on the frame back to its original colours.

November 8, 2014

Finally some kind of change to how the site looks. I've been meaning to get rid of the frame for a long time, because it makes linking to a specific part of the site impossible. Or I could link, but then the user wouldn't have the navigation and couldn't go anywhere else. But now I have a PHP code generating the menu links to every page and the frame won't be needed any more. Renaming every single page from .html to .php, updating the links and adding the navigation function everywhere was such a pain...

The reasons why I had the frame in the first place traces years back when everyone had their own little Geocities page. Or well I didn't, but I followed many, and they often had these "awards" they gave to fellow sites. And at least on the Finnish Pokemon sites I frequented often had "must have frames" as one of their important judging criteria. That's where I learned that if you don't have frames, you suck. That mindset led to a lot of trouble, but I think I've managed to update myself to the 2010's by now.

This is definitely not supposed to be the final look, the navigation looks awful. But right now I don't have enough motivation to start playing with CSS so it'll have to do.
