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I guess "rats and mice" or just "mice" might have been a more correct term, but I prefer "rats".


Yuki, from Fruits Basket

That thing is supposed to be a rat. Out of all the 13 zodiac animals he's the one who resembles his animal the least... Where is his nose?! He looks like a dirty snowman with a tail!


Chu-Chu, from Utena

Another creature whom I can't quite place. He could be a monkey as well I guess... But I don't have a listing for monkeys so he can stay here.

At first I really hated him, but he slowly grew on me over the course of the series. Or at least in the last episode my opinion of him had slightly risen from "Chu-chu can go and rot in some corner". I love the scene where he is stuck in a bottle, making the most hilarious chu-chu-chu~~~ voice.

What is going on with his eyes anyway?

Now that I checked it, Wikipedia lists him as a small "marmoset". Which is a monkey... uh-oh. I guess I'll move him to a monkey page if I ever make one then.


Rattata, Raticate, Azurill and Marill from Pokemon

Rattata and Raticate are more or less forgettable, normal type and no particular quirks. The Marill line seems like an attempt to ride on the yellow electric rat's fame... But I still like them. Or at least Azurill. Azumarill probably is more like a rabbit instead of a mouse though.

The yellow electric rat won't get here, we have standards here on BubbaTheMagpie. It doesn't even look like a mouse regardless of what the pokedex might say.



Remy and Emile, from Ratatouille

I like the movie a lot less than I'd want to. I'm all in for a "different" movie that has a fairly calm story (as opposed to saving the world from a certain destruction for the nth time), and I loved how the critics were handled. It's just that I can't get over the fact that the controlling-the-guy-by-pulling-his-hair thing is... kind of stupid. I mean, "Rats are intelligent and one of them is a great cook!" that I can believe in the context of the movie. But "This one particular human has some insane nervous system that if you pull his hair his limbs move, even when he's unconscious!" is too much for me, and I have to spend too much time telling myself that it's a children's movie and I shouldn't think about it.

At least the rats were cute.



Blanca, from Sugar Sugar Rune

I never really liked Blanca in her mouse form, but her human form was kind of cute. The manga form I mean, I just saw a Youtube clip with her transforming into a different human form which I didn't know to even exist before randomly googling it just now.


Tyrannosaurus, from One Piece

The mayor of a city randomly picking up a mouse as a pet and spontaneously naming it Tyrannosaurus is plain awesome. The mouse didn't do anything to contribute to the plot though if I can remember correctly. At least it had grown a lot during the time skip.
