Here is where fabulous manga and anime reviews by Hapuriainen can be found. All the series will be judged in fully biased and unfair way; the only criteria I use are "Did I have fun? Was it waste of time?". Something like whether the series is old or if I don't belong to the target audience is completely irrelevant here. So if I get the chance to bash a children's program I'll gladly take it and attempt to look very smart and academic while doing it. Naturally, the dress-uppability of the series will be taken into account as well.
Points are given in tangerines (because tangerines are awesome). Three tangerines is best, and one half of a tangerine is worst.
Name |
| Tangerines | Review date | Inuyasha | manga |   | Oct 19,2014 | Madoka Rebellion | movie |   | Apr 15,2014 | Wolf Children | movie |    | Mar 06,2013 | Kanon | anime |  | Nov 02,2012 | Clannad After Story | anime |   | Oct 08,2012 | Rose of Versailles | manga |    | Jul 10,2012 | Princess Tutu | anime |    | Jul 09,2012 | Clannad | anime |   | May 04,2012 | Zodiac P.I | manga |  | Apr 14,2012 | Suzunari! | manga |  | Apr 08,2012 | Black Bird | manga |  | Apr 04,2012 | Irresponsible Captain Tylor | anime |    | Mar 09,2012 |