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Pokemon Avatar girls

(August 23, 2012)

Why do side characters get better reference pictures than the mains? Not counting Yue, it was impossible to get a proper screen shot of her, and I ended up using fanart as reference for drawing.

suki suki

She doesn't get to be in the Gaang pic, since I've never managed to think of her as a member of the Team Avatar even if the show tried to paint her as such at the end of the last Book.

Her original outfit had a ton of fun and different things I could have used for a design (The skirt folds, the light green... skirt/shirt on top of the dark green one, the grey armour, the belt, the line on the sleeve, the circle on the sleeve, wrist armour, gloves, the triangular head thing, the square decoration on the head thing, the sticks on the head thing, the hanging bobbles on the head thing, the makeup), and since I usually end up using too many of them in a such a situation, the outcome is a bit too busy for my liking.

Originally she had similar... decoration on her sleeves as she now has in her pants, but I think this is more fun. It's supposed to represent the folds of the skirt.

I couldn't fit the square or the sticks from the head piece anywhere, but the line with a circle fit a pokemon design pretty easily. And the head thing was easy to turn into a bandanna, even if I have already given a bandanna to many of my pokemon designs already.

I really wanted to use the hanging bobbles from the head piece somehow, but the only way I could think was to put them in the shoelaces where they're probably pretty difficult to notice.

I think her head is too large. And probably the hand holding the poke ball as well (the other hand is blatantly copied from Dawn's Diamond/Pearl artwork).

yue yue

Arrrr the reference quality

I almost forgot about her, originally this was going to only have Suki and Azula's posse. But I'm glad I didn't since I really like her original design in its purple glory.

She was very fun to draw. I don't like wearing girly clothing, but it's a lot easier to draw, and her feminine design gave me a lot more freedom than Katara's similar outfit. Originally I planned to give Katara a top similar to the one Yue got, but it made her look too... formal? Like the jackets office ladies wear. But a more formal design fits Yue better since she's a princess.

The pokeballs on her hair decorations were probably a boring choice, but I couldn't pass such an easy option.

I now have this sudden urge to design more Yue pokegirl outfits since the original design gives me a lot more ideas~~~

azula azula

Azula was almost as difficult as Zuko to design, and I'm not too pleased with the outcome. It does have plenty of stuff that makes it more of a pokemon-style design than just a normal dress, but I don't think they go too well together. And the design is somehow too girly and... kind(?) for the character, it's more like something a nice girl-next-door would wear instead of a snotty villainess's wardrobe.

I had serious trouble with the collar part of her dress. Since the bottom already had a deep cut it felt stupid to give a similar one on the top part as well, and it was a turtleneck collar and a round cut for a while before I settled with the undershirt having a hood.

In the beginning I had no idea what to do with her. I had already done Ty Lee so the collar thing was difficult to use in a new way. The lower part of the shirt/dress urged me to go towards something a cut like Leaf's skirt has, But I already gave Katara a dress hem like that. Putting the collar to the hem was a nice idea, I just wish I would have been able to execute it a bit better.

The belt was a problem too since I already gave Katara and Yue a wide boring belt on top of a dress/shirt. But I had no choice but to draw yet another one since the dress looked really silly without it.

The colours were difficult since all the screen shots I had for reference made her outfit look like it was brown. Or is it brown and I'm just wrong for thinking it should be red?

I think I could have thought of something more fun for her hair decoration if I had tried a bit harder.

mai mai

She turned out possibly the most boring of this bunch, but the original didn't give me much to work with. Or there was the very wide and flowy sleeves and pant legs, but I don't think something like that would fit a Pokemon trainer too well.

I like the cut on her shirt collar, even if it's just a combination of Leaf's and Dawn's shirts. But the original design gave me some justification for the deep cut and the circular pattern at the bottom.

I wanted to use the long... overcoat-shirt-dress-thing somehow, but I didn't want to give her a long coat in the pokemon design. I had many attempts to integrate a cut like that to the sleeveless shirt, but while I works in the Avatar design, in my pokemon version it looked pretty silly with a deep cut both at the bottom and at the top. So I just added a similar pattern to the pants.

I must admit that the completely random buttons at the pant legs are there just so that the design wouldn't be completely bland compared to the others.

Ty Lee
Ty Lee Ty Lee

She was pretty difficult for reasons I don't completely understand. The original design offered plenty of details to work with (collar, short shirt showing her stomach, sleeves, wristbands, poofy pants, the skirt thing, the fun hairstyle), but somehow whatever I did to it made it look too much like the original design.

At first the shirt and pants were more similar to the original with the pants being poofy and sleeves flowy, and while just swapping them isn't too creative at least it's not identical to the reference. I don't know if anyone would wear two shirts on top of each other like that though...

The ribbon was a lazy choice on my part, but I like how it makes the design more feminine.

I wish I would've been able to use the skirt thing a bit better than just a tiny detail on the shoes.
