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Pokemon Ponies

(June 23, 2012)

Since the series has been hyped to death I had to take a look at it too. Sorry, I just don't get why it's so awesome that I should want to watch all the 50+ episodes. Maybe if I was ten years younger, but now... I just wasn't interested (and I never want to hear Pinkie Pie speak again. Ever.) But I've really liked the distinct and colourful character designs so I couldn't resist pokefying them, and that turned out to be great fun indeed.

At first I tried to incorporate the cutie marks to the designs, but it just didn't feel right. Pokemon designs don't have such small details. In the end I just decided to use them when they helped with the design and leave them out when they felt like they would have been just tacked on additions.

Twilight Sparkle
twilight Sparkle twilight Sparkle

She was my favourite character. I love her hair (one of the reasons why I started watching the series in the first place), and her bookworm personality appealed to me.

I wasn't sure what to do with her pose. It would have been good to draw her with a book, but since I haven't given any props other than poke balls to any characters in this series that was out of question. So she's just studying the dusk ball.

From the start I knew that I wanted to draw a sleeveless purple dress with white leggins/capris. That'd be a bit girly but not too much. But the dress design caused me a lot of trouble, I really couldn't think of what to do with it without copying the design I gave for Belle. I didn't want really to use large pockets either, because drawing pockets is pretty much my standard solution when I have no idea what else to do so they're probably overused in my designs. But in the end I just couldn't think of anything else so I had to give up.

Originally there was more purple and pink in the dress and shoes, but it made the design look somewhat stuffed. So I changed them white.

She has a dusk ball ("Allows the player to catch wild Pokemon; works better when used in caves or at night.") because, duh, Twilight and dusk and stuff.

applejack applejack

If the hair position makes you think that I drew it hanging over her shoulder just so that I could show that I really used the original pony's hairstyle, you're most correct. She had a fun hairdo and I wanted to use it as it was, but because the pose wasn't very dynamic (so the hair couldn't flow behind her because of movement) and I didn't want to give her short hair I had to think of some other way to show it.

The shirt is annoyingly similar to what I gave to Mulan and the bandanna at her waist is close to Ariel's but since I've already drawn almost 50 pokemon style designs it was only a matter of time when some elements started repeating themselves. At least the shirt has different sleeves and collar and the bandanna is strung through the... whatever that part of pants is they aren't too similar. Okay, the only similarity in the shirt is how it's tied, it wasn't as bad as I expected.

Her pose gave me trouble. What I really wanted was something like the fourth pose in this for legs and arms above her head, but it just wouldn't work out so she has to settle for a slightly less interesting pose.

I can't remember if I've ever seen a pokemon character with freckles, but I guess they're ok anyway. As for the skin, I made hers slightly more tanned than usual. Only now I realise how pale the others are...

She has a Safari ball ("Allows the player to catch wild Pokemon in the Safari Zone") because it was closest to the "farm" them I could think of.

Pinkie Pie
Pinkie Pie Pinkie Pie

I might give the series one more chance and watch two or three more episodes, but I really really don't want to see her again. I don't think CRAZY and RANDOM and HYPER is entertainging. I find it extremely annoying. And Pinkie Pie appears to be that ^10. So no thanks for me.

I gave her short hair because I thought that in six girls it'd be stupid if almost all had long hair. Pinkie Pie seemed like a good candidate for short hair alongside the obvious Rainbow Dash, and it's not like I would have been able to think of anything more special to do with her hair even if I did give her long hair.

I don't exactly know what's going on with the pose, it was drawn one limb at a time so it can be a bit weird. I wanted a jumping pose but it turned out to be too difficult for me, but I guess this is still ok for her personality.

The poofy sleeves are a part of the design because I had no idea how the shoulder is supposed to work in a pose like that, so I had to hide it somehow... But they do fit the character? The leg warmers hide the weird anatomy of the left (her left) leg too, but in this case the hiding my bad anatomy drawing skills was a result of a design choice and not a cause of it; I really thought that bright coloured leg warmers would fit an energetic character, and I didn't notice the additional benefit until I had drawn them. The hanging ball things are supposed to represent the balloons.

The colours... are a bit meh. But a bright colourscheme should suit her so maybe it's not that big a problem.

She has a friend ball (makes caught pokemon super friendly) because I really couldn't think of what else to give her.

Rainbow Dash
Rainbow Dash Rainbow Dash

Uhm, the colours... well, I was faithful to the original. At first the plan was to give her blue hair and rainbow clothes, because I was really against giving a pokemon character a six-tone hair since I can't remember if an official character from the main game series ever had more than two colours in their hair. But further consideration made me change my mind since a) I like sticking to the reference and she does have rainbow hair and b) colouring the outfit all rainbow would most likely have made it horrible.

Short hair was decided from the start; sure the pony has a long hair (or mane or whatever) since that's what apparently all (most?) ponies do, but a tomboy human girl needed short hair to work.

Designing the outfit was fairly easy since I haven't made too many tomboyish designs. So it was just "cap, large shorts and hoodie durrrrr I hope it'll work out somehow".

The pose was difficult since dynamic poses aren't really my thing. I wish the hand holding the poke ball would have been more stiff, and the other hand just wouldn't turn out how I wanted. At least it doesn't look horribly anatomically incorrect.

After giving up on the "blue hair, rainbow clothes" idea and sticking to two shades of blue for clothes instead I still had a weak attempt to include the rainbow colours in the outfit anyway, in small places (cap "button", wristband stripe, shoelaces, shoe bottoms, pants buttons, hoodie... strings, pocket edges) where they wouldn't be too bothersome. But that didn't work so I only coloured the socks with rainbow colours, that was decided from the start. Because mostly blue design wouldn't have been faithful enough since half of the original design is rainbow?

She has a fast ball ("Allows the player to catch wild Pokemon; works better on fast Pokemon"), reasons probably obvious. I also considered Quick ball ("works better when used early in the battle."), but... I don't really know what made me decide on fast ball since quick ball would have been just as good.

rarity rarity

At first I was unsure whether the hairstyle would be acceptable for a Pokemon character, but then again we have hairstyles like this and this and this so maybe it's not too bad. Two ponytails like that... was mostly because I didn't really know what else to do with her hair.

From the start I felt like this design was going down the drain, but in the end it doesn't look that bad. But it went through many attempts; there were sandals, ribbons on boots, necklace, different collar, laces on skirt, shirt + skirt combo, jacket, belt on waist, belt on hips...

The result might not be what you'd call an average pokemon trainer, but like in Charlotte and Giselle's cases this time can be an exception because of the character's personality. I just couldn't bring myself into drawing her in a adventurous jungle explorer outfit or something like that (though she'd probably manage to glam it up too).

The black colour for the thights came out of nowhere, but since the original design only gave me purple (already used) and light blue (too light) and white (even more) I had to add a new colour. But such a fashion person should be fine with black. The thights pattern is not from Homura (Madoka Magica), I didn't recognise the similarity until colouring phase.

She has a luxury ball which affects the captured pokemon's friendship or something that isn't really relevant here, but its name made me think that it'd fit someone like her.

fluttershy fluttershy

Her super hyper shy personality with the whimpering voice made her pretty unlikable in the first episode, but apparently the third episode revealed that her thing is to be a nice and kind pony who is friend to animals instead. So I like her now a bit more. And the personality made it easy to think of a pose too.

Not exactly pleased with this, it might be too simple. Or maybe it's just good that I didn't stuff too much detail into it?

The turquoise colour looks a bit off to me, but since that's what the original had I had to go with it too. I did try to use a bit lighter shade though. Originally she was supposed to have pink thights, but that didn't work at all, because I didn't want to use the same light pink as with her hair, and dark pink looked silly with the otherwise pastely colourscheme.

The ribbon is supposed to represent a butterfly if you can't tell.

She has a heal ball ("Fully restores a caught Pokemon's HP, PP, and status.") because uhm... the colour fits. Originally she had a love ball ("Allows the player to catch wild Pokemon; works better on Pokemon of the opposite gender of, but same species as the player's Pokemon") for the same reason, but since what I saw of her in my three episode pony experience she didn't seem like a romantic or boy crazy, so I thought giving her a such a poke ball would have been out of place. I also considered a bug type ball for the butterfly theme, but that felt too far-fetched.
