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Pokemon Princes

When I only had drawn Princesses someone asked me if I was going to draw the princes. I can't remember exactly what I said, but I had the following problems with it:

  • Not enough male characters I like enough and who have an interesting design
  • I'm not good at drawing males
  • Male clothes are less interesting to design

Apparently I wanted to draw some anyway, but all the points were more or less correct and drawing the princes wasn't nearly as fun as princesses.

The original plan had Peter Pan and Gaston too, but since this didn't seem worth my time I stopped at six. If I ever draw any more Disney Pokemon guys it'll be either because I feel the need to complete the "collection", or a new awesome guy appears and I must draw him too, which leads to a couple of other guys to get in the same picture.

"the Beast" (prince Adam), from Beauty and the Beast
beast beast

Firstly, why did I not eyedrop the colours from the original and instead used random bright colours that don't go together well at all? If I cared a little bit more I'd desaturate that jacket for sure.

Overall the outfit has a lot of stuff going on and it's not really consitent. And I had trouble with the hair so I hid it with a cap... The shape on the cap is supposed to be the horns.

I considered using the hair ribbon too, but it would probably have looked too girly.

If I had to say something good about this... I guess I like the stripe on the pants. Now if the pants were a bit less saturated too...

Aladdin, from Aladdin
aladdin aladdin

The original design had little to work with, and since I wasn't feeling very artistic my version came out a bit dull.

I wish I had tried to do something with the hat. A little... whatever the thing he's is called wouldn't have fit a pokemon character, but I could always have tried to turn it into something else.

Apparently this pic still has the "wonky eye" version; It looked silly enough that I actually bothered to fix it for the DA compilation pic, but the individual pic had been saved before that.

Shang, from Mulan
shang shang

Originally Shang got in solely because Mulan is my favourite Disney movie, his outfit on the other hand was so forgettable that I had no idea what he wore (other than "umm grey and black armour or something"). When I actually started drawing him I noticed that it wasn't that bad since it had more colours than I expected and the colour areas varied a lot. Not that I had particularly many ideas though; about the only creative thing I could think of was to turn the cape into a hoodie.

The hands bother me. They're too small aren't they?

Emperor Kuzco, from Emperor's New Groove
kuzco kuzco

Not exactly a prince but as the emperor he is the son of the previous emperor (?) which is like the equivalent of a prince right? But I loved the movie so I wanted to include him too.

I'm very much dissatisfied with the drawing though; for starters the pose and face were bad from the beginning before the random design appeared. Then the colours aren't exactly recognisable. The black pants really come out of nowhere, but a bright red shirt + bright red pants would have looked too much like a body suit. And the shirt pattern looks silly, but at least it's better than what I first drew (it looked like... those things you put around a baby's neck when you feed them).

The earrings were right out, I don't think a male player character would wear them in pokemon games and most definitely not in that size. So I moved the colour to the bandanna. The bandanna itself is closest what I could think to replace the... hat he has in the original with.

From the times of the pokemon princesses I had wanted to use leg warmers for someone. Kuzco ended up being the first character to get them (since it was an easy and obvious design choice).

Prince Naveen, from Princess and the Frog
naveen naveen

And now we start with the designs I actually somewhat like. Naveen and Flynn benefit a lot from being my favourite characters out of this bunch so they got the best dolls (I always draw all the dolls before I start designing the clothes. When deciding which character gets which body I'm naturally biased and my favourites get the best bodies.)

Naveen spent most of his screen time as a frog so he didn't exactly have a super iconic outfit. I had three options for him: The casual outfit, the "prince" outfit from Charlotte's costume party, and the lilypad suit he wore at the end. Since I kind of liked them all and couldn't decide I let the visitors choose in a poll, and the casual outfit won.

I kind of like how this turned out, it has a nice calm colourscheme and it doesn't randomly try to go everywhere. But that might be just because it has very little new ideas; it's mostly just his original outfit with a few more lines and a "tie" whose design was taken from Dawn's Platinum outfit.

Flynn Rider, from Tangled
flynn flynn

His outfit was easy to pokemonise since it was pretty fit for a pokemon character from the start. Of course it makes my version a bit unimaginative, but why fix something that isn't broken?

If my memory doesn't fail me he's the first character in this series who got a bag. At the opening page of this pokemon style characters project I complain about people mistaking my drawings for gym leaders when I meant them to be similar to the average trainer you play yourself. Now that I think of it, it might have made them a lot more easier recognise as a world-travelling trainer if I had given them bags. But that would have required extra effort from me and it was a conscious decision to leave them out from the start. But since Flynn had one as a part of his original design it was easy to include in my version too (and the designing was easy since I didn't have to worry about drawing somethign super similar to what I had already drawn).
