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Pokemon Princesses 10

(October 19, 2013)

Snow White, from Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
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Ummmm so, if you had to choose which Disney Princess would be the most likely to wear ripped pants, I know at least the first one to come to my mind would ~not~ be Snow White. But, uh, here we are anyway!? Because like the only thing that makes this dress not be nothing but a palette swap of her normal outfit is the fact that it's torn. Then I had this idea of pants like these, and none of the other princesses were any better candidates for wearing them, so now Snow White is stuck with a design that probably doesn't fit her character too well, but I still like it.

Originally her outfit was completely different, she had nice poofy 3/4 length sleeves I want to use somewhere else, and a generic dress (pic here). The dress was pretty problematic because there was absolutely nothing interesting about it, and with it I would have had three sleeveless dresses in a row, and it was far too similar to the previous design I gave her. So the new idea with the ripped pants was at least somehow welcome.

With the newly added ripped pants I desperately needed something to balance the... uh, 'radical' elements with something cutesy and feminine. However, at the point I was drawing Snow White I already had like 10 of these finished, and I was already facing my mortal enemy: obsession with bows and ribbons. I really try to keep it down, because if I don't watch out, every design suddenly has three gigantic bows. And at the point I was designing Snow White there already was plenty of them, so I really wanted to think of something else. Luckily she has patches on her dress, and I hadn't thought of that one before. At first the patch was heart to maximise the girliness, but frankly that has nothing to do with the character, so it's an apple now.

The bows, however, came back, because I really couldn't think of what else to do with the hat. I tried girlier hats, but they just looked simply silly with the ripped pants. So I gave her a less girly cap and just put a ribbon on it. Problem solved?

For some reason I keep giving Snow White the round Bianca eyes (while everyone else gets the generic Lyra/Dawn/Serena eyes). I don't know why that is, it's not like Snow White's eyes are that special.

But yeah, overall I do like this one a lot, it's even one of my favourites. But I have to admit that it's probably the one that least fits the character, but whatever, we don't see much of Snow White so who knows what she does when she's offscreen.

She has a Friend Ball because she's quick to make friends with the dwarfs. ...okay, not the best idea out there, but what was I supposed to do? Some characters had great pokeballs that were great fun to think of, like Vanellope, Eilonwy or Elsa, so I wanted to draw everyone a specific Poke ball. And since there are 25+ pokeballs I wanted everyone to have a different one. But I quickly run into a wall, because many of the princesses just didn't have a pokeball suited for them. There are like 3 different pokeballs for water type pokemon so Ariel and Kida were easy, but what about a pokeball for catching pokemon in the desert for Jasmine? Or what the heck was I supposed to think for Cinderella or Mulan? So while I'm pleased with some of the Pokeball choices, many princesses had to settle with something far-fetched because I couldn't think of anything better. I was really hoping for X/Y to reveal new pokeballs to help me, but no luck on that front.


Ehh... The colours made this look kind of shabby, but I like the apple shape. This is a rivaling brand to the rose design Aurora v2 and Belle v3 use.

Cinderella, from Cinderella
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I'm surprised by how much I like this one. Something about it just works, even if I'm not too sure if it's Pokemon-like enough.

I had used a bonnet for a random "drawing-of-the-day" design for Poketrainer Rapunzel and it worked well enough that I really wanted to give it to some of these designs, but I wasn's sure who would be the victim (since a bonnet isn't exactly the first thing that comes to my mind when I think of a 'cool hat'). Since I'm no fan of Cinderella she had to be the guinea pig. Besides, she has that thing on her head that looked closer to a bonnet than many of the other candidates. Originally the ribbon was supposed to be tied under her chin, but that looked way too stupid and old-fashioned, so I had mercy on her. Does she look too much like a shepherd?

The dress was fun to design and it went through many possibilities (pic of an earlier design here). The pleats at the hides were there from the beginning, I saw a design like that in my scribble book and I thought it'd go well for Cinderella who has that apron as an extra "layer" for her skirt. Initially some of the pleats were supposed to be white to represent the apron, but that looked pretty dumb. The skirt was also a miniskirt at first. Then it turned into a mini-dress, and finally morphed into a knee-lenght dress thing.

She has a Dusk Ball (good for catching Pokemon during night). I really couldn't think of a good pokeball for many of the characters, and Cinderella is one of those who got quite a far-fetched idea. But anyway, I gave her a Dusk Ball, because the most significant moment of her story happens at nighttime, so she ought to be up by then? Though to me it'd make more sense that she'd want to be home by a certain time and NOT be up all night, but whatever. She enjoys catching Pokemon between 9PM and 12PM and then immediately gets home? I dunno, that doesn't make much sense...


Nothing much to say about this one, it's just the apron edge and collar shape for the lid, and the ribbon from the apron. I believe this could have been a lot better with just a little bit of work...

Aurora (Briar Rose), from the Sleeping Beauty
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Really liking how this one turned out, it's nice and simple but still somehow works (though that may be aided by the colourscheme, anything that uses muted colours seems to be at advantage in my rankings).

Keeping this different from Rapunzel's outfit from PokePrincesses 9 was pretty tough. Every time I came up with an idea I had to admit I already used it for Rapunzel, but I hope that in the end they're different enough.

I really wanted to give her a hat, since there are like no female player characters without a hat, but it just wouldn't work since I wanted the crazy twirl to be visible. So she has to settle with the same boring headband design she has in the original look.

Really liking the shoes, they turned out just the way I want even when I didn't really know what I wanted.

Using her hair colour from the movie instead of the merchandise. Which... may create a conflict since I gave her clearly lighter skin. Whatever, all the white characters have to settle for the "default pokemon white skin".

It's not until now that I realise she also had a... whatever those are called, shawl? Well, missed that opportunity then.

She has a Dream Ball because of the sleeping theme.


I really had no idea what to do with the bag. The original outfit gives very little to work with, the only notable things were the pleated skirt and the strings in the corset. I wish I could have used the vertical lines from the skirt somehow, but she would be carrying it right next to the dress which also has vertical lines, and that would've looked pretty bad. So in the end I just thought "she's elegant, she can have a simple black bag", and tried to use triangular shapes from her collar somehow. The "ribbon" is supposed to be a pattern and not a real ribbon.

Eilonwy, from the Black Cauldron
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What is she doing here? She only has one outfit so she completely breaks the idea of drawing a new poke outfit based on an alternative dress, she's not an official Disney Princess, and it's not like anyone remembers her at all either. Well, that's just because I wanted to do Giselle from the PokePrincess 9 set as well, and Kida (also from PokePrincesses 9) had a nice and easy refeence picture of her alternative outfit, so I wanted to do that as well. And then I would have had all but one Disney female leads who were princesses, so I thought I had no choice but to include her as well. I really tried to search if she has any official alternative clothes or even a decent concept dress, but I had no luck. So, a new design based on the old dress it is then, to be fair I didn't redesign her for the PokePrincess 9 drawing so at least there's something new about it.

Considering I had to rip out a second outfit from a reference that wasn't too interesting to begin with, this isn't that bad. I still think I like the first one more, even if it is far too similar to the original reference.

Since she wasn't supposed to be in this project to begin with and only got in on a fluke, she fell victim to an issue I had about pants. You see, at the point I was designing Eilonwy I had around 8 other characters either already done, sketched, or at least as an idea in my head. None of them had shorts, and a whopping five of them had pants that reached below their knees. Now this shouldn't be such a problem, I don't wear anything but long pants either, but I'm supposed to be designing characters that could be the female player character in the main series pokemon games. Here is a picture of the heroines, how many of them have long pants? And how many of them have a miniskirt or very short/skintight shorts? ...yeah. So while I don't exactly like Gamefreak giving the females so skimpy clothing while the male character gets baggy clothing, it would have felt weird to have 18 character and not one of them wearing very short pants. I felt that many of the characters I hadn't designed yet would look very bad in hotpants, and I didn't have anything special planned for Eilonwy, so here we are.

The only thing I can say I like about this outfit is the shoes. I tried to go for similar shoes as what the kids in Digimon Tamers wear.

She was supposed to have some kind of a cap, one that'd go... deep in the back of her head and cover her ears, but it didn't work out with the bangs. So she has a similar hat as Crystal, I don't remember using that one before.

I didn't notice she had such long hair, I thought it was oly to her elbows or something.

She has a normal Poke Ball because I don't think there's anything interesting about her.


I dunno, this one isn't that bad, considering it's for Eilonwy and it's a backpack (backpacks are so much more difficult for me to draw than bags). The shape is a bit off here, it should be rounder and less boxy, like it is in the picture where she's holding it.

Originally she wasn't even supposed to have a backpack, since I thought it'd look bad with the long hair. Which is the reason I drew her hanging it from her hands instead. I can't really remember why I had to give her a backpack in the first place when it's ill-suited for the hairstyle, I guess it's just because I didn't want the bag/backpack ratio be horribly skewed and it's more comfortable to give backpacks to characters I don't like that much.

Ariel, from the Little Mermaid
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I guess I could have done the pink ballgown thing so all princesses would get a "normal look" and "princess look", but I like this one so much better. Maybe the pink dress gets its turn in round four?

I probably like this one more than I should. As in, it has a sailor hat and lots of ribbons, and I'm likely to find any outfit with elements like that at least somewhat appealing, so I'm pretty biased.

While I do like the final result, I have to admit that it doesn't resemble the original in anything else but the colourscheme. But... seriously, what was there to do!? The only notable thing about the outfit is the ribbon. Or, I guess I could have given her some kind of a black vest. But overall, while I like the blue dress outfit a lot, I have to admit that it really didn't give much to work with. So I ended up pulling pretty much everything out of nowhere.

I've had this kind of shirt design in my reference scribble book for a while, and I was happy when I could use it for Ariel. To me it looks like something that you could wear to a beach, and it even has that ribbon. The boots with the huge ribbons belonged to one of the Charlotte designs (more on them on Charlotte's entry). I really wanted to use them for someone, and with the huge bow in her outfit, Ariel seemed like the only logical choice. I do like the boots, though with three large bows I might have gone a bit overboard with them...

Didn't put much thought on the hat. Since every female player character in the pokemon main series games has some kind of a hat (and all but one female protagonists in all pokemon games too), I usually try to give my designs a hat as well unless there's some big reason not to. Here, I'm not too sure if her bangs make any sense with the hat, but then again we have hair like this I shouldn't be too worried. I don't remember using a sailor hat before, and Ariel is obviously a number one candidate for that.

She has a Net Ball (good for catching water pokemon). Dive Ball (good for catching pokemon underwater) would have been the obvious one, but I had already thought of that for Kida, and I'd rather not use the same Pokeball twice. So, since in my PokePrincess headcanon Ariel collects water pokemon, a pokeball specialised for catching them regardless of where they are seemed appropriate. Besides, Kida spends her entire movie underwater, while Ariel wants to get out of there.


I... got nothing on this. Okay at least it's something I haven't drawn before?

Detail-wise there was little I could do with this one, with the only notable detail in Ariel's blue dress being the huge bow, and I already overcrowded the outfit with them. So at least the bag is simple.

Belle, from Beauty and the Beast
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Belle finally gets the ballgown done, the blue and white dress kind of did stick out when everyone else had their poke outfit based on the formal dress (except Ariel, but her case is a bit different since Disney likes to market her as a mermaid as much as putting her into a ballgown she never even wears in the movie).

I like this surprisingly much considering it's pretty random, and it's yellow of all colours (I don't like yellow).

This one went through many different iterations, here is what I drew during a lecture (and a Snow White in the corner). My sketches are pretty ugly... In the end I went with a long hoodie shirt and a simple skirt.

Using the colours from movie screen shots rather than the pic used for merchandice. I don't like yellow, so the more orangeish tones from the movie suited me a lot better. And besides, the one on the left only has like one shade while the dress clearly has dark and light yellow in the film.

Had to change the hairstyle a bit. I tried using the same bun-with-most-of-the-hair-down as in the reference, but it always looked more like she was going to a ball (duh) rather than an adventure. To be fair I probably use too dark colours since I only eyedropped them from the screen shot; I should have lightened the colours a bit since the hall where they dance isn't illuminated in the way I'd rather have it be.

She has a Heavy Ball, because she hopes to catch big beast pokemon. Or in other words, I couldn't really think of any suitable Pokeball.


The only notable thing about this bag is the rose pattern. It's the same as in Aurora's bag in Pokeprincesses 8, because it's the same brand.

Decided to use red for the rose because there was so much yellow and orange already.

Jasmine, from Aladdin
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Ah, Jasmine. She gave me a lot of grief, and I can't say I'm overly pleased with the result. However, it's not nearly as bad as I thought it would be, since she was the last one I drew and at that point I had like zero ideas. So the fact that she got a dress dress that was uniquen in whopping three ways (top part, pockets, hem part), a hat I had never used, and a somewhat interesting bag is pretty cool.

Originally I planned to draw the red slave outfit, but this one proved to be easier because the red one was almost a palette swap of her main blue outfit.

Hat is supposed to be a knit cap with silly ribbons. I like the idea (especially considering I was prepared for something incredibly boring and generic), but the execution is a bit lacking.

She has an Ultra Ball. One reason why she was left last was that I seriously had no idea what poke ball to give her, and I was desperately to get something new from XY. But no luck on that front so far. So, she has an Ultra Ball cause they're expensive and she's rich so she can buy them.


Considering how plain this one is, I like it suprisingly much; something about it just works. I guess it's the unique way to draw the strap, and there's simply something about the stripe that I like.

Pocahontas, from Pocahontas
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Sure, she does wear different outfits in the sequel, but I have zero interest in watching it. It is possible to get me to watch an awful movie because there is a princess I haven't drawn yet in it, but just for clothes... eh. So I had to think of something else, and while I could have drawn another pokemon outfit based on her standard outfit from the movie like I did with Eilonwy I decided to use the (awful) redesign instead. The purpose of this project was precisely drawing new clothes based on some other outfit besides the one I've already drawn, so now I'm stuck with this.

Aside from the fact that an outfit that doesn't appear in the movie shouldn't be in this drawing series and that I find the redesign absolutely awful, there's also the problem that the reference is going everywhere. With the likes of Vanellope it's probably intentional that the outfit has as much detail as possible crammed into it, but this one... The old design was pretty simple, and all the feathers and jewels seem so tacked on. And while the old and simple dress still had plenty of fun things to work with (Pocahontas v2 is one of my favourite outfit designs so far), this one has like a gajillion more, but all of them contribute very little. I mean, sure there's tons of different jewelry and different feathers and different fringes and hanging threads and pearls, but none of them feel too important to the overall design.

I probably like this far more than I should. I think it's ok, but if you think about it, the outfit is pretty boring. If you remove the bags there's like no detail left. So let's not take the bags away?

Pocahontas ended up having the wrong eyes; previously I've used a different style for her (an emergency measure because the standard eyes wouldn't turn out right), but this time I just forgot about it.

She has a Safari Ball because that was the closest to the nature theme I could think. Or, to be fair, like every pokemon is caught in the nature, but whatever, at least the pattern fits?


Whoa, two bags?! I really wasn't planning on that, but then she does have that bandanna on her hips in the reference, and... I've drawn so many random bandannas that I really wanted to avoid it, and a fanny pack was one option. I've been kind of taught that fanny packs are the epitome of lameness, but I don't really care that much for Pocahontas so I was ready to sacrifice her for the greater good of non-bandannaness. Besides, RSE May and FRLG Blue have fanny packs so it's ok?

Then the other bag. While I ended up being ok with using a fanny pack, it still felt insufficient for her only bag. I mean, the player character is supposed to fit a bicycle in there? Sure, May can do that, but I found that dumb too. So Pocahontas gets a bigger bag for other stuff, the small bag is for Pokeballs and maybe other battle items.

If you're enough of a Pokemon nerd you might notice a resemblance to Bianca's bag. And that is because this bag is just a palette swap of it. But this time it wasn't just because of laziness; The Pocahontas redesign has so much going on that making another bag off that wouldn't have been impossible, but... I wanted to use a fringe, and then I remembered Bianca's bag. I had this worry that my bag would look too similar to Bianca's, but then for the first time in the history or pokefying characters I thought, "why does that matter?". I mean, it's boring if my design looks too similar, but why would it be such an absurd idea that there is more than one of these bags in the pokemon world? Unless Bianca's is handmade, but let's not go there. I had the same issue with the rose pattern on Belle's bag (as in, should I be allowed to reuse it), but then I thought it'd be fun if there were actual brands in the pokemon world. And thus Pocahontas was allowed to get the same bag as Bianca.

Feathers are Wargle and Talonflame.

Mulan, from Mulan
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Mulan baby, I love you and you could mop the floors with many of the other characters in this, but your clothes just aren't suited for stuff like this. Granted this outfit was at least a little bit easier than the green dress, and I do like this pokemon outfit more than the previous two and it definitely doesn't suck as much as it could, but it's still far from being one of my favourites.

Mulan has plenty of outfits to choose from, but this is my favourite so I'm using it (other options were the pink matchmaker dress or the army outfit).

But yeah, while this outfit was easier than the green dress, it still didn't give much to work with. At least there were the poofy sleeves, I really like the idea of the pants, though to be fair the colouring didn't turn out the way I wanted. They're supposed to be made of a very soft material.

I really wanted to give her a cabbie hat because I love cabbie hats and Mulan is my favourite Disney princess, but it simply wouldn't work with the rest of the outfit so I had to give up. At least the edge of this one has something to do with the poofy sleeves of the reference outfit.

The shirt was super difficult and I'm still not satisfied with it. If only Mulan had something to use for a pattern, I would have loved to put a little picture at the side of her shirt, but she didn't really have anything else than the Emperor's necklace in this outfit, and that one was far too elaborate for a Pokemon outfit.

It's not until now that I realise I messed up her eyes. So far I've always given her slightly different slanted eyes, but now she got the default generic pokegirl eyes instead. Ah well, the design didn't turn out well enough that I'd care to fix this, better luck next time.

She has a Level Ball (good for catching lower level pokemon), because I couldn't think of anything else. The idea was that she can catch sucky pokemon and train them to be awesome.


I really like the idea of this one, but the execution is severely lacking.

Mulan was one of the last characters I made, so she got a bit luckier with the bag department. As you can see, the bags in this set are pretty bad. That's because somehow it didn't occur to me that I could try to search reference for different bag types/shapes, I just drew the same kind of satchel to everyone and just put different pockets to it. But then I had this amazing idea to google "bag" and check what I could find, and then there were tons of different shapes!

So yeah, Mulan's bag is from the "sports bag" google image search. I really like the shape, but that's about the only interesting thing it has going on. But really, there was like nothing I could get from the reference! Or I probably could have if I tried a bit more...

Colours could be better too. Oh well, better luck next time Mulan? I like this bag shape, so if I ever again give her a similar one that will hopefully be better.

Kida, from Atlantis
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It is HER fault that I had to draw that stupid Eilonwy...

Why is the Disney Wikia image mirrored? Is it supposed to be that way? I had to flip it to get the tattoo on the correct cheek.

Not too happy with this one, I think the outfit is pretty boring. I mean, the shirt and pants have very little interesting detail. But considering the problem with the previous designs was that they were overdesigned messes this is a lesser problem?

The problem with the previous Kida designs was (at least partly) because the reference had so much stuff going on that when I tried to include everything the whole thing kinda exploded. This time her queen dress was a lot tamer, and it even had interesting details to use (weird sleeves, the shapes from the front part of the dress). I guess I could have used the triangular shape better, but it's not like I can put them everywhere. And I'm pretty pleased with the basic idea of the shirt, but it would have required a bit more detail or something to make it interesting to work ideally, now it's merely passable.

I assume the pokeball jewelry in her hair is same as Yue has. Or at least it's from the same set.

In the previous designs I've had problems with including the crystal necklace, and that hasn't changed. It's such an important part of the character that I feel it has to be somewhere, but I can never quite fit it in. This time it's in the shoe zippers.

Kida has pretty unique eyes. After I had finished about half of these I noticed that I had drawn wrong eyes to Pocahontas and Mulan, and that made me think that there are actually pretty many different eyes in the pokemon world. So I decided that I'd draw different eyes for these too, and Kida was the first character I drew after this decision. Her eyes are based on Clair's. However, changing the eyes for the existing characters turned out disastrous, so I changed them back, so now only Kida, Snow White, Charlotte and Ariel got unique eyes. But since I designed different eyes for all of them maybe I'll remember to use them next time.

(Planned eye chart here). Whoops, wrong eye colour for Aurora!

She has a Dive ball (good for catching pokemon underwater) because Atlantis is underwater, duh.


Pretty boring bag here as well, though this time at least the shapes used have some kind of justification from the reference (triangular shape of the lid and the vertical line in the middle, mirroring patterns vertically). Colours are pretty off, not happy with them. Maybe I should have swapped the red and yellow after all...

Pose for holding the bag was copied from Nate's Yuusuke Ohmura art.

Giselle, from Enchanted
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Technically, this series is only for animated characters, but she is animated for like 1/10 of the movie so it's ok? I like her animated look so I wanted to include her, but the only outfit other than the pink dress I've already drawn that she wears while in animated form is the huge wedding dress. But pokefying Nancy's wedding dress taught me that pure white outfit is a huge pain to pokefy, so I had to use a live-action outfit instead.

Not too satisfied with this one, but at least it's not horribly boring or devoid of any interesting detail. I saw an old Barbie catalogue (...) where the doll had a jacket with button like this one, and I thought it'd fit Giselle considering how her dress works. Sleeves are what I had planned for Snow White before her design went crazy.

Tried to kind of use a flower theme this time, since I have such an oversupply of ribbons.

The flower on her hat is supposed to be "Artificial Flower Blue" from XY trainer customisation. Serebii doesn't list that colour though, but it's not like that's a huge problem.

I think her hair got shorter from last time... oops. It's tied into some kind of a bun under the hat?

She has a Love Ball (good for catching the opposite gender pokemon) because of her lovey-dovey behaviour at the beginning of the movie.


Couldn't keep the ribbons out of this... But she does have that one long ribbon in the reference dress so it's not as far-fetched as some of the others.

Anyway, the only thing about this bag that is even remotely interesting is probably the way the strap is attached. So nothing to see here either really.

Tiana, from Princess and the Frog
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I'm surprisingly pleased with Tiana considering how little the reference gives to work with.

Used the same ponytail hairstyle as in the previous versions instead of the high hair bun, it allows headgear so much better (though I seriously need to think of something else for the hats than just putting a ribbon on them). Besides, a high hair bun would look totally off with the outfit that's supposed to be adventurous and not elegant I believe.

But umm, I guess the only thing this has going on is how the shirt is tied. I saw it in my reference sketchbook and I thought a shirt tied at the waist would fit Tiana well, and at least it'd be something new and not just putting a ribbon or a bandanna around the waist for nth time.

She has a Lake Ball (good for catching pokemon when fishing). It really has nothing to do with her, but I was out of ideas. Net Ball (good for catching water and bug pokemon) might've been at least a little bit better since frogs catch bugs (...), but I already gave it to Ariel, and it wouldn't have been worth it swapping them. Ummmm, well, she can catch frog pokemon, which are water type, and some of them can be caught by fishing. Or at least one of them, Poliwag!

... okay, I really had no ideas for her pokeball. I'm out!


Okay, I have my fixation with the ribbons, but seriously, what else is there to the reference dress?! Unlike Aurora's bag, this ribbon is supposed to be real and not a pattern.

Charlotte la Bouff, from the Princess and the Frog
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Charlotte was kind of an oddity for this project. I started doing the outfit from the beginning of the movie she wears when she enters the bar where Tiana works, but that just wouldn't turn out right. Then I remembered I had started this "Pokemon Princesses : Charlotte edition" project a long time ago, and when I found it, it turned out I had already sketched a pokefied version for every outfit she wears in the movie. So I just had to pick the one I liked the best. It ended up being the dress she probably wears for the shortest time in the movie, but whatever.

The pose was very bizarre as well. You see, first I draw a lot of ugly sketches when I'm designing the clothes. When I'm done with the design I take another paper and draw specifically measured horizontal lines across it, for head, shoulder, feet etc. lines. They're the same lines I've been using singe the very first PokePrincess drawing; I use the same measurements to keep them even somewhat in scale with each other, even if I still manage to mess the head-to-body ration quite often. And then I draw the finished drawing in a better pose, the sketches are closer to stick figures.

But in this case, the sketch for this particular outfit was like, almost finished already, it wasn't like most of those cruddy sketches I usually make. And, it was magically in the correct ratio as well! So I only had to redraw her hands to hold the pokeball and fix her face, and voila! I didn't have to draw the final version at all!

(Legs are a bit odd now that I think of it, they're weirdly skewed to right.)

I don't really have much to say about the outfit itself except that maybe using so much yellow wasn't that good idea.

She has a Luxury Ball because of the luxury theme.


For Charlotte I always (well, on the both two times anyway) try to give her a cute bag that wouldn't be very practical, because to me she seems like a character who wouldn't be able to consider consequences very well.

Not too satisfied with this one, it could've been much more "cuter". Or at least the stripe could have gone the other way, now it's too similar to the dress.

Rapunzel, from Tangled
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First off, I hate the pink dress. It's so boring! Sure, it has a nice pattern, but that is pretty much useless with Pokemon designs.

As for the Pokemon outfit... I don't think it's that bad per se, it's just nearly not as good as I visioned. The overall result is a bit too random and doesn't resemble the original too much, and while the idea of one of the pant legs having a pattern taken from the dress seemed so cool in my head it just wouldn't turn out right. I tried various different twirls and leaves, but they always looked too un-pokemon-like, so I had to settle with some flowers.

No idea what to think of the hat yet. It's somehow super weird and dumb, but at least it's something I haven't used earlier, and I don't remember seeing it in the official pokemon designs either. I considered if the zigzag edge was too tacked on, but without it the outfit looked a bit too plain (with the flowers being the only notable thing).

The shirt is probably the only thing I can say I really like. I had massive problems with it at first, since everything was a rehash of Bianca's BW or BW2 shirt, but then this popped to my head. Could have made the hem a bit flowier though.

At a very early part of the design process it turned out that she'd be getting long pants. That felt super weird, because I see Rapunzel as one of the most feminine princesses, and I thought she really should have got a skirt or a dress instead. But then I thought of the shirt, and in the end coupled with the colourscheme the result turned out feminine enough to me.

She has a heal ball because of her healing powers. Which she actually doesn't have when she has brown hair, but that's nitpicking.


Rapunzel, too, got a backpack, which is very peculiar. she is both one of my favourite characters, which should automatically mean she'll get a bag, plus I find bags a lot more feminine too. However, after sketching the outfit the long pants and simple skirt just begged a small backpack, so here we are. It really is supposed to be small, smaller than the other backpacks, so it's not drawn to scale with the other bags.

I really like the idea for this one. Someone mentioned the Sun pattern in an earlier PokePrincess drawing, and sure, it's a round shape so obviously I need to put a pokeball on it. Maybe there's too much small detail...? This one would work a lot better if Pokemon allowed more detailed patterns.

But for what it is, I like it surprisingly much.

Merida, from Brave
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Uhhhmmmm Merida. One of the weakest designs in this bunch in my opinion, but luckily not as bad as I first feared. But the previous design with the dark green dress has grown on me, so she can at least be lucky to have one decent outfit.

I knew from the start that I'd want to give her a hat that's deep in her head, but I'm not too sure how well this worked.

Very much dropped the ball with the hair. I've never had any idea how to make Merida's crazy hair in the pokemon world, but this time I apparently didn't even try and just drew random wavy hair like I do for my OC Beta. I didn't even notice how bad it was until the colouring phase, and at that point I really didn't feel like doing anything for it.

Colours were pretty difficult since I didn't want it to be all blue, but now I believe there's too little blue.

I really would have wanted to use the pattern at the hem better, but it was so random that I couldn't figure out what it was supposed to be in the first place, let alone think how it would work in a pokemon design. Luckily she had a simpler pattern in the belt thingy, which worked surprisingly well for the sleeves.

She has a Sport Ball (used for the Bug Catching Contest in GSC), because she participates in a sports event in the movie (=I had no better ideas).


Nothing to see here, move along. The only idea I had was the buckles.

Vanellope, from Wreck-it-Ralph
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I really like how this one turned out a lot. Well, the colourscheme is what it is, but there wasn't much I could do since pink had to be the dominating colour, but otherwise.

This dress was like a goldmine for details, there's the huge collar, the cutouts in the collar, pearl necklace, tiara, hair decorations, gloves, top part pattern, top front pattern, the shape at her waist, layered skirt, gradient colours in the skirt, top skirt thing parting to her sides at the waist, two different kinds of sprinkles, vertical lines in the skirt part, even a cape... she even had that lollipop sceptre. This was way too much to put into one design (since the original source is obviously over-the-top on purpose), but I believe I managed to tone it down enough.

Since Vanellope is a pretty tomboyish character I went for pants again, but long pants this time since the princess dress is huge and covers her body so much. But despite being a tomboy she does wear a skirt and a hair ribbon... licorice thing (even if it was just because she's been coded that way) so I also wanted something feminine to the design, hence the head ribbon. I'm pretty pleased with how the feminine/masculine balance turned out, or at least in a palette swap with the colourscheme being as girly as possible now. Usually I seem to give shorts to the female designs that get pants and not a skirt or dress in the first place, but this time the idea was to use long pants, since the original dress is so huge and covering.

Not sure if the tiny hair decorations should be "allowed" in a Pokemon design, they usually don't have details that small. But whatever, at least hair clips are a thing in the pokeverse. I'm not sure if the gradient stripes would be allowed either, but I really really wanted to use them. They were in the pants at first, but that looked just silly.

Shoes are my favourite idea about this one. I've had shoes like this sketched to my scribble book for a long time, but I never got a chance to use them so that they'd make sense, they kinda look "royal" or "old-fashioned" to me. But for this they were perfect, in my mind with the "royal" idea they go so well with an outfit based on the cake-like monstrosity dress, and even the round shapes at the edge couldn't fit better, since I hadn't used that shape yet. Originally the pants were supposed to be a more important part of the design, but when they got stuffed to the boots I decided to have them be very simple and let everything else be detailed instead.

Collar is supposed to be heart-shaped but her head covers it.

She has used the Missigno. glitch to get a lot of Master Balls.


Usually when a design is overcrowded I manage to pour the excess ideas to the bag, but this time everything wouldn't fit even in bot the outfit and the bag, so I had to leave something out.

In the end the bag turned out pretty simple. Maybe even too simple, but I was afraid I put too much detail to the outfit so I didn't want to risk overcrowding the bag as well. And besides, many of the real player characters have pretty simple bags too, and I like how the soft cloud shape lid is the center of the design.

This was supposed to have a red dot at the each of the round... protrusions, but that seemed too busy so now it only has one button.

Anna, from Frozen
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Ummm this one... I really don't know what to think of it. On one hand I like it a lot, but if I have to be fair, I don't really think it fits the character or the pokemon world that well, and it doesn't exactly look like something you'd wear to an adventure either. But yeah, overall I do like it a lot.

But uh, I had this idea that I wanted a very, umm, wide and flowy dress with vertical lines. It was just a generic vision in my head and I didn't know who I'd use it for, but then I remembered Anna, who had vertical stripes in her skirt, and it was close to my vision in shape too! So obviously I jumped at the chance. I believe it could be a bit better with lighter colours? More yellowish green? I wish I had a better reference, movie screen caps are difficult because I have to guess what the colour would be without the light type and direction messing things up.

Hair is a bit off. That is supposed to be a braid around her head and a braided hair tied to a bun at the back of her head. She has that bun higher in the reference, but putting it there would make the design look too feminine, and what I've understood from the trailers is that she's not too girly. But what would I know without seeing the movie.

Kind of sad I couldn't get to use the pattern in her skirt anywhere.

She has a Team Magma Ball from the trading card game. Very random, but I was out of ideas. The only thing I could think was that she's faced with a problem related to ice and cold, so I gave her the only pokeball that was related to warmth to combat that.


This is kind of in the same category as the outfit; I like it, but I'm not too sure if it's just on a very weird subjective level where I'm giving it more credit than I should.

Frankly, the only thing this has going on really is the strap attachment. Which probably isn't very practical, but at least it's something new?

Elsa, from Frozen
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Arrr couldn't get proper reference on this one.

I like how this one turned out, it's nice and elegant and fits a bit older character (?). Though all the poketrainers I design are 10-11 so that's kind of a moot point, but she can always be more mature than the others I guess.

Since apparently in generation 6 customisation it's a thing to put a pin to the hats I gave her one too. With the hair I had to change her hairstyle a bit to accommodate the hat, but since Anna already had a braid across her head and it didn't even look good on her I didn't really feel bad about hiding it. And I didn't get a good picture of what the hair is supposed to look like from the back so it turned out pretty random. I guess there's some kind of a loose bun around there or something.

I tried to give her a similar outfit as Anna since they're sisters and their dresses look alike (=they look like palette swaps of each other). So they both have boots, tights and a skirt or a dress that... begins at the same point? I don't know the correct terms even in my mother tongue, let alone in English.

She has Molly's Crystal Pokeball from the Entei movie. It was the closest I could get to the ice theme, and as far as I know they have a vaguely similar role in their movies.


Eeeeeh... a pretty weak bag for Elsa again. Better luck next time?

Ended up using white from her hair instead of anything from the clothes, because a darker colour would have looked really stuffy.
