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Pokemon Princesses 2

(March 13, 2012)

People commented on Jasmine and Pocahontas missing from the first piece, and since there were other Disney princesses I hadn't drawn yet I decided to draw a new one even if I don't care much for Jasmine or Pocahontas as characters. Anastasia was planned too, but in the end I gave the non-Disney princesses their own piece.

Eilonwy, from the Black Cauldron
eilonwy eilonwy

Many people commented that they were glad I remembered her. I had no idea she had so many fans... I didn't like her movie at all, and the character was pretty boring.

Eilonwy (and Kida) were kind of problematic. I wanted to make a second Disney princess piece with Jasmine and Pocahontas who were missing from the first installment, and Merida, Giselle and Charlotte whom I just wanted to draw, but my collector insticts told me that I'd have to draw Eilonwy and Kida too to complete the series. This lead to the fact that I had to actually watch the movies because I had no interest in drawing characters I don't even know.

Kida was first; I knew nothing about her but my impression of her movie was "Hero goes to a mysterious place where he meets the local warrior princess Kida". Then I started watching Tresure Planet, where the hero was trying to reach the mysterious "treasure planet", and I kept waiting for Kida to make an appearance all movie. It wasn't until there was only 15 minutes left when I finally realised I got the wrong movie... As for Eilonwy, I was expecting Madam Mim and Merlin and a dragon to make an appearance all the time, and in the end the hero didn't pull the sword out of a stone (and when I was done watching I found out about the existence of "Sword in the Stone"). And when I watched Tarzan for Jane I was a bit disappointed how the snake with hypnotic eyes didn't appear...

About the design, it's boring and I don't like it. The skirt is nice, but everything else is just a rip-off combination of the original outfit and Red's shirt. I guess I could say I like the socks too?

Being an uninteresting character she got such an uninteresting pose too. I'm fairly certain that this wouldn't suck nearly as much as it does if I had at least bothered to draw a more dynamic pose.

Jasmine, from Aladdin
jasmine jasmine

I was very pleased with the sketch, but I can't quite say the same thing about the colours. I really had to struggle so that it wouldn't look like a pyjama but I'm not sure if I succeeded. Maybe I should have used a less saturated and darker colour for the pants? Shoes could be darker as well.

The ribbons on her hair are probably my favourite thing. At first I was unsure about them, but I couldn't think of what else to do with the earrings (I imagine the pokemon player characters as innocent kids and such larger earrings didn't sit well with that picture). I thought that ribbons like that might be weird when the rest of the outfit is a bit tomboyish with the pants, but it's not like she was particulary a tomboyish character. So the ribbons... balance the design, or something like that.

I wish I could have given her a hat of some kind but I couldn't fit it with the hair. So I had to settle with using the jewel on the headpiece for the belt.

In the first design attempt she had straight pants, like jeans. I'd like to use those for some other pokegirl, but I thought Jasmine should be given baggy pants.

Her (and Pocahontas') skin colour was a bit difficult; I eye dropped it from the disney picture but it made my pokegirl look like a carrot so I had to desaturate it a bit.

pocahontas pocahontas

Her movie was pretty meh to me, not exactly "bad" but mostly "zzzzz" material. The animal companions annoyed me to no end though, and how they learned each other's language through magic was derpy.

The original design was pretty nice, and I believe I could have created something better if I had tried a bit harder. A notable part of the original dress is the asymmetric collar, but I thought somethign like that wouldn't fit the pokemon world where most characters are pretty symmetric. Also, I would have had to give her some kind of an undershirt anyway since such an open collar would have been too revealing. So I tried to use some kind of weird stripe instead.

I had serious trouble with the lower part of the outfit; I'm not sure if I should have given her pants, but if I had used a skirt with a similar design it would probably have been too similar to the original design. I do like how the pants turned out though. And the shoes, I was thinking of moccasins when I drew them (but to be fair, I don't think I've ever seen a moccasing so I probably didn't get too close).

The head was problematic as well. For starters the eyes wouldn't turn out right no matter how many times I redrew them. I solved the problem by giving her different eyes (as opposed to the standard pokemon eyes I gave nearly everyone else). And I just couldn't get her hairstyle not look stupid, so I hid it with a bandanna...

I'm a bit sad how I couldn't use the tattoo thing or the necklace. At least I could use the necklace colour for the bandanna, but that's not enough! Oh, the belt has a part of the necklace, I guess that's something.

Kida, from Atlantis : the Lost Empire
kida kida

And here's the girl for whom I had to watch two movies. Why isn't there any good official full body art of her anyway? And since almost the whole movie takes place underwater the lightning never was convenient for seeing the colour properly.

Not really satisfied with the design, it has too much going on. And it's a bit disappointing since the original had material for a much more interesting design too, especially the skirt. And I could have tied her hair with something pokemon related. And I didn't even use the magic crystal that was such an important part of the character!

I thought if I should give her only one arm thing or a sock as she only has jewelry on one arm and leg, but I thought the design already had more than enough asymmetry with the hairstyle, face tattoo and skirt. Or whatever that thing she's wrapped around her hips is anyway. Is it a towel?

Tried using her earring for the zipper. Maybe I could have used the crystal here instead?

Giselle, from Enchanted
giselle giselle

I didn't realise that actually she never became a princess until I had already drawn her, but it's not like that matters since her character was practically a parody of the Disney princesses and it was this close that she didn't marry her prince anyway.

The hat has nothing to do with the character, but I saw a similar one in my reference image album, and since the pokemon characters tend to have hats I got an excuse to use it. I put some flowers on it so it's okay?

There's really not much to say about the design since it's so simple, but I really like it (possibly because I didn't end up cluttering it with unnecessary detail). The pose turned out pretty well too; it's a lot more dynamic than what the others are on average.

Charlotte la Bouff, from the Princess and the Frog
charlotte charlotte

Oooooh Charlotte~~~~ She was my favourite thing about the movie. When I first saw her I was sure I'd hate her so it's very surprising how high she has gotten on my Disney character top10 list. She's not a princess either, but she just has to be included. Besides she's so ambitious in her prince chasing that she has probably married one by now anyway.

Charlotte and Giselle don't exactly stick to my original theme that was "adventurous clothes that would fit the player character of a pokemon game". But I believe it'd be a horrible mistake not to draw them in pink dresses so they get a pass.

I'm pretty pleased with how this turned out. If you ignore the princessness (=remove all the ribbons) it'd possibly pass for a pokemon outfit pretty well. The pockets are probably my favourite part.

The hairstyle turned out a bit silly, I wish I had used some other hairstyle of hers instead. In the original sketch it was even higher, but it looked just plain idiotic. The gloves possibly don't sit too well with the rest of the design either.

Many people have told me that they mistook this for Cinderella's pink dress. I didn't see that coming since I've seen Cinderella a whooping one time and it left next to no impression on me, but I guess people who have seen it many times in their childhood remember such a one-scene wonder outfit better.
