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Pokemon Princesses 3

(March 13, 2012)

This was drawn and uploaded simultaneously with the Pokeprincess 2 picture. In the end I split the characters into two pictures because I have bad experience that people won't read the artist's comments, so I'd get plenty of besserwissers to educate me that ____ is not a Disney princess even if I already state that I know that in the artist's comments.

thumbelina thumbelina

Character and movie were pretty stupid, I am never going to watch this movie again. It was practically just a series of "Ooh! Thumbelina is in trouble!" "Ooh! Now she's in a different trouble!" events.

This is probably the laziest design here, apart from the skirt it's practically identical to the original outfit. The skirt didn't even have the pockets until just before scanning the sketch but I realised that it'd need SOMETHING, but unfortunately at that point I couldn't think of anything too interesting. Kind of weird how the Pokegirl turned out pretty boring, her outfit would have given material for a more interesting design too.

How she's tied her hair with the bandanna was the only idea I had for the outfit. In case you can't tell the white areas are supposed to represent the flowers she had in her hair in the original design.

What was fun about this was the hair; Pokemon characters tend to have pretty insane hairstyles so whenever any of the princesses had hair more interesting than just "long hair, not tied" I could at least try to do something with it.

The pose was a pain, I had to redraw it like ten times to get it work even somehow and not be a complete copy of an already existing pose. Wait, it's the same as Jasmine's after all? Damn...

Odette, from the Swan Princess
odette odette

Movie was forgettable and I had slight trouble understanding what the deal with the tortoise and frog was (for a long time I was under the impression that they were some of her servants transformed by the bad guy and not just random animal sidekicks). But the design!

This one was just plain easy, it practically created itself and I didn't need to do anything that required creativity or intelligence. From the start it was "pleated skirt, middle part blue, and tracsuit jacket with sleeve pattern taken from the original" and all that was left was drawing the vision. I'm kind of wondering if the poofy sleeves could have been utilised in some other way, but that would have taken it away from the original tracksuit idea so I belive this is better.

The pose turned out pretty well too, and surprisingly easily as well. Usually I have to redraw the limbs a few times to get something passable but this time it was ok from the start. Hair is kind of okay too, even if the highlight part isn't that pokemonish. The shade of the blue might not be the best possible but overall I'm very pleased with the outcome.

I remember being a bit uncertain about the laces on her shoes, but since Hilda has laces on hers I thought it'd be ok.

anastasia anastasia

This one's not exactly recognisable, I wonder how many people recognised the character without having to cheat it from the artist's comments. The problem is that she did have plenty of outfits in the movie (which is always a great thing!) none of them was exactly iconic. I alternated between this dress and her "Anya outfit" (the rags she wore in the beginning), but since the general idea thorough the project has been drawing the ballgowns and not the peasant outfits I had to go with this.

The dress wasn't exactly easy to pokemonise since it was pretty simple. The most memorable part about it are the huge see-through sleeves, which were something I couldn't draw to a pokemon trainer. I'm not happy at all with what I could come up with, but unfortunately I saw no other option.

She did have a nice ribbon to tie her hair with, but since Belle already had a similar one I decided to turn the tiara thing into a bandanna. But now that I think of it, plenty of my designs already had a bandanna as well... I wish I could have used the necklace somehow. I tried to turn it into some kind of chain hanging from her belt that had pokeballs attached to it, but it didn't look too good.

Somehow the design makes me think of a pokemon breeder more than a trainer. Maybe its' the bandanna?

Fiona, from Shrek
fiona fiona

This was pretty difficult since her most defining charasteristic is that she is, well, a green ogre. Which caused some problems since all the pokemon trainers I draw are human. I planned to give her green thights, but that didn't work too well with pants so long socks it is then.

The dress caused great annoyance. It's green, and... it's green. Yeah. There is some tiny pattern on the top part, but since Pokemon designs don't have that small detail I couldn't use it.

Her hairstyle was nice and I was glad I could draw something like that. The ribbons that were taken from Caitlin are supposed to represent the ogre ears.

Originally the hair was more brown, but when people commented on it I had to do a new google search on her and admit that I indeed should change it to a more reddish colour.

In the beginning I didn't like this design at all for being pretty boring, but now that I've had some time to observe it I guess it's somewhat balanced and the green colourscheme is nice and fresh.

Merida, from Brave
merida merida

Really looking forward this movie.

The original sketch was a bit... meh, but the colours make it pretty nice. Very nice actually in my opinion. For some reason I ended up not using the sleeves in her original outfit (which were the only interesting part about it) and tried to imitate the white parts with arm band things instead. The hood is a bit redundant since she could never fit all that hair under it, but I had to do something with the cape. The hair itself didn't turn out too well, I should have spent a bit more effort on it.

Since this outfit was pretty bad at giving material for a design I took the belt idea from another outfit of hers.

Wait, you spell her name with é? What is this snobbery anyway? <--never bothers to write the é in Pokemon
