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Pokemon Trainers

(September 23, 2013)

Unimaginative name, but "Pokemon random teenagers from recent CGI films" wouldn't sound good either. Putting "Dreamworks" in the title would help, but since Mavis isn't Dreamworks I'm out of luck.

Hiccup, from How to Train Your Dragon
hiccup hiccup

...I really don't have anything to say about this one. The original outfit gave very little to work with, the only thing I could think of was to use the fur somehow, and even with that I had to be pretty conservative since the player characters never use fluffy stuff. The white... things in Hilda's hotpants at least exist so I could justify using this much fur to myself, but aside from that... It's just a hoodie, boring pants and boring shoes.

hiccup's bag

Nothing to see here, move along. I had no idea what to do with Hiccup's bag, so I just used a bag design I saw in my math study group.

Astrid, from How to Train Your Dragon
astrid astrid

In contrast to Hiccup, Astrid probably had too much to use. The skulls, the spikes, belt pouches, headband, shoulder protectors, wrist/armbands, and two different shapes from the skirt at least. In the end I don't think I succeeded nearly as well as I could have considering how much stuff there was to work with, but I've never been too big a fan of the character so it was difficult to stay motivated when designing for her.

And if there were tons of design elements to use, there certainly wasn't a lack of colours either. I tried to keep the amount of colours down, but I think I still went a bit overboard. At least they're all browns and greens close to each other so it doesn't look like someone vomited a rainbow on it.

The belt pouches gave me a short "Eureka!" moment when I realised that I've made over 100 of these, over 150 if you also count the Alt Outfits for the female player characters from the games, and I don't remember using belt pouches for any of them. Brock had them starting from day one, how come I never thought of it?!

But yeah, while the overall design is pretty boring I like the hairband thing. The execution is a bit flawed, it's supposed to be so that the hairband is braided in with the hair.

astrid's bag

This one turned out pretty well considering how little I cared for the character, and it even was a backpack (bags are a lot easier for me to draw). Very often having to design the bag is quite a pain when I'm already running out of ideas even with the outfit, but in cases like this where I have too much usable details in the reference it's nice that I can pour some of them here instead of trying to force everything in the clothes.

Mavis Dracula, from Hotel Transylvania
mavis mavis

Wait, some of these have the watermark and some don't? Uh-oh... whatever.

This is undeniably my favourite out of these, but I think it has more to do with the red/black colourscheme which almost always can salvage even a sucky design to some degree.

But yeah, even if you forget about the colours, this one was surprisingly fun to draw. Especially when you consider that the original outfit doesn't have that much interesting detail, the stripes are pretty much the only thing I took (other than the colourscheme). I really don't know what was going on there, but something just worked out.

I like how the pose turned out, but the character ended up being far too skinny for this series. Otherwise I wouldn't have much of a problem with it, but now it feels out of proportion with the rest of the characters in the PokeTrainer drawing series.

mavis's bag

Aside from the fact that the bag has nothing to do with the character other than colours, I kind of like this one. At first the top part was white to resemble pokeball, but it looked just silly.

Jack Frost, from Rise of the Guardians
jack jack

This one turned out surprisingly well considering it's a male design and the original was pretty bland. There's not much to say about it, but at least it doesn't suck horribly? The only detail worth mentioning is the shoelaces tied around the shoes.

Thinking of hats for male characters is very difficult for me, since I fear I'll make the character look too feminine. In this case the colourscheme makes him look like Donald Duck...

jack's bag

Nothing to see here either. Tried to put the magic ice stick design somewhere, but it didn't transform into a poke ball as well as I had hoped.

Eep Crood, from Croods
eep eep

Now this one was difficult. I really like the idea of the dress top, but I think it shows too much skin for this drawing series. But since I couldn't think of anything else it had to stay.

Not satisfied how I ended up using the stripes, I'm certain there would have been better ways. But I didn't want to put them on the dress since I wanted to keep the dress simple, and it would have looked too similar to the original, and just normal stripes on the socks would have been boring.

eep's bag

This was the last thing I drew for these five, and it was kind of a rush job. But considering that, I like how it turned out. Sure it's incredibly simple and has nothing to do with the character, but something about it just works.

The back strap on bare shoulders probably should feel incredibly uncomfortable, but it's not like the bags in the Pokemon world have to make any sense. Or how is May supposed to fit a foldable bicycle in a waistback?
