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Last year I took a drawing project: draw the character Seth every day to improve my art. I actually managed to keep the project going on for a whole year, and when the time was up I didn't want to quit. Even if the progress seems annoyingly slow I still have a feeling that drawing a little something every day improves my skills more than drawing nothing at all. From the grand Seth project I learned that drawing the same character over 300 times is not, surprisinlgy, that smart. So in the new project I decided to draw just whatever came to my mind. That lead to refreshing variation in the drawings, but the problem I had predicted already when beginning with project Seth in 2010 surfaced pretty fast: When I can draw anything I want I have to spend unnecessarily much energy choosing the subject, whereas in project Seth I had a predefined subject every day. This lead to drawing the same easy-peasy pokemon/digimon characters every other day... But I guess that's a bit better than the same Tea-seller uniform or Unasf coat all the time? Last time I didn't upload the pictures until the whole project was over, but this time I'll put them up in monthly batches as I get them coloured. Often I can be months late with the colouring though... November 2011 14th: Kotetsu & Kaede Kaburagi, from Tiger&Bunny. The project began strong. Two characters in the same drawing! Actually in a pose that involves them both, not just standing next to each other! And one of the characters is a male! I'd really want to like this more, but Kotetsu's face just couldn't turn out right. I erased and redrew it over ten times, but it just didn't work... Originally this was going to be just Kaede, but then the idea of drawing Kotetsu too kinda appeared, and in the end you can't even see the face of the original subject. 15th: Margaret, from One Piece. The pose is copied from Mitsuki's pose after transforming for the first time in Full Moon o Sagashite volume 1. 16th: Seth Nightroad, from Trinity Blood. Aaaand here is why we can't have nice things. This was the day when I finally managed to finish colouring all the drawings from the project Seth (I had been months late with the colouring as usual), compiling the images for DA and finishing the bubbaTheMagpie report on the subject. It was pretty late in the evening when I finally had time to draw the picture for the current project, and... here's what happened. It's a bit better than skipping the whole day altogether, but not by much. 17th: Yotsuba Koiwai, from Yotsuba&!. 18th: Takeru Takaishi, from Digimon Adventure. Whoa! Another male! A kid though... 19th: Beta, my own character. Back when I drew the sketch I had some kind of epic plan how to colour the dress. But over two months had passed when I finally started colouring it, so the epic plans were forgotten. 20th: Lyra, from Pokemon. Lyra would be the one of the characters to turn to be this project's Tea Seller outfit, but I didn't know it yet when drawing her for the first time. 21st: Madoka Kaname, from Puella Magi Madoka Magica. Tried to copy Kiyo Kyujyo's style (the author for the Trinity Blood manga), but it didn't work the way I had hoped. 22nd: Lilith Sahl, from Trinity Blood. Tried to practise folds a bit. If they look okay it's because they're practically copied from a "How to draw Manga" book. 23rd: Pippi Longstocking. A pretty lazy outfit from me. She'd easily wear something a lot crazier! 24th: Utena Tenjou, from Revolutionary Girl Utena. 25th: Chocola Meilleur, from Sugar Sugar Rune. 26th: Misty, from Pokemon. I had to draw the doll for the prize of my contest, and I thought I could hit two birds with one stone if I included that in the drawing project. I didn't want to include a girl in just her underwear, so I picked Misty whose swimsuit was easy to change into underwear for the dress up. 27th: Iris, from Pokemon. 28th: Luna Lovegood, from Harry Potter. WHOA a background! And a pose! Her head's weird though. 29th: Misha, from Pita-ten. 30th: Hikari Yagami, from Digimon Adventure 02. Favourite of the month: 28th would easily win just because it has a background, but something about the face just bugs me. 14th is the next candidate for having two characters, but I can't get over Kotetsu's face. 22nd would be the next for the folds if it weren't for the stupid face again. So I'll have to resort to 19th. December 2011 December 1 - December 15 || December 16 - December 31 1st: Ion and Mirka Fortuna, from Trinity Blood. What's the point of drawing two characters if they're just going to stand like that anyway?! And what's up with Mirka's jawline? 2nd: Meiko "Menma" Honma, from AnoHana. Not writing the full name monstrosity of the show. No idea what the dress is supposed to look like, I drew the pic without reference. 3rd: the Pokemon Darumaka personified. I kind of like how the pose turned out and the hands are surprisingly good considering I had no reference, but the hair is just stupid. 4th: Crystal, from Pokemon. 5th: Sailor Moon. 6th: Mirka Fortuna, from Trinity Blood. Apparently it'll be a tradition to draw a ballgown for Dec 6th, for it's the Finland independence day when 1/3 of the population watches how the elite shakes hands ath the annual party at the presidential palace. Lace brush from CourtHouse. 7th: Chocola Meilleur, from Sugar Sugar Rune. 8th: Asuna Kagurazaka, from Negima! Magister Negi Magi. 9th: Sora Takenouchi, from Digimon Adventure. 10th: Nami, from One Piece. A relatively good drawing, at least she's not just standing there. 11th: Beta, my own character. Apparently this was the day when I was trying to design the outfit for this picture. This was one of the attempts, the original plan was to have her braids have a ribbon go through them, but that wouldn't turn out nicely. 12th: Hikaru, from Angelic Layer. 13th: Satsuki Kusakabe, from My Neighbour Totoro. 14th: Caimey, from One Piece. 15th: Chiyo Mihama, from Azumanga Daioh. 16th: Hikari Yagami, from Digimon Adventure. 17th: Sora Takenouchi, from Digimon Adventure 02. 18th: Umm.... a random brat dressed as Pikachu. I don't really know what made me draw this, but it bothers me how I forgot to include the red cheeks. At least it's a boy? 19th: Leaf, from Pokemon. 20th: Amu Hinamori, from Shugo Chara. Gave the sketch the colouring it deserves. 21st: Yotsuba Koiwai (older version), from Yotsuba&!. 22nd: Beta, my own character. 23rd: Bianca, from Pokemon. 24th: Madoka Kaname, from Puella Magi Madoka Magica. Once there was a time when colouring like this was a fabulous artistic technique and not an indicator of "urgggh I really can't be bothered to colour this properly". 25th: Link, from the Legend of Zelda : Spirit Tracks. Got the game for Christmas. 26th: Iris, from Pokemon. A meh picture, but the fact I dared to shade it a bit more creatively than the usual improves it quite a bit. 27th: Zelda, from the Legend of Zelda : Spririt Tracks. 28th: the Princess of the Crystal, from Mawaru-Penguindrum. The outfit has a ton of mistakes. I thought I had reference for this? Not that great a picture but at least it has an attempt at a more difficult pose than the stupid standing one. 29th: Panty, from Panty&Stocking with Garterbelt. 30th: Boa Hancock, from One Piece. 31st: Edward Elric, from Fullmetal Alchemsit. Whoa, another boy! Favourite of the month: Fight between 10th and 26th, but 26th wins for showing even a bit artistic ambition. Overall a pretty bad month. January 2012 January 1 - January 15 || January 16 - January 31 1st: Ringo Oginome, from Mawaru-Penguindrum. 2nd: Monkey D Luffy, from One Piece. I had this grand plan of drawing all the Straw hat pirates as kids and pre- and post timeskip, but it appears that I'll be stuck with just Luffy. The post-timeskip one is pretty bad... 3rd: Kaede Kaburagi, from Tiger&Bunny. 4th: Lyra, from Pokemon. 5th: Anthy Himemiya, from Revolutionary Girl Utena. 6th: Hikari Yagami, fron Digimon Adventure 02. I just can't seem to draw her properly... Ugh! 7th: Beta, my own character. 8th: Kaede Kaburagi, from Tiger&Bunny. for the third time already... Hey, she's easy to draw! Tried to imitate Kiyo Kyujyo style again. 9th: Rapunzel, from Tangled. This is my "colour the bg with a flat colour and pretend it's a proper background!" technique. Surprisinlgy I dared to shade the dress with reddish orange instead of purple, which appears to have been a nice move. 10th: Belle, from Beauty and the Beast. This was around the time I started the Pokemon Princesses project. 11th: Chihiro Ogino, from Spirited Away. 12th: Inuyasha and Kagome Higurashi, from Inuyasha. They're chibi, but I guess two characters in the same picture is still something of a feat. 13th: Chiyo Mihama, from Azumanga Daioh. 14th: Sora Takenouchi, from Digimon 02. Perspective hooooo 15th: Rin Kaga, from Usagi Drop. For the Usagi Drop dress up. 16th: Luffyko, from One Piece. 17th: Seth Nightroad, from Trinity Blood. She's back again... 18th: Kagome Higurashi, from Inuyasha. Unfortunately I noticed that she's pretty easy to draw, so I presume we'll be seeing her a lot too. 19th: Dawn, from Pokemon. 20th: Hikaru Shindou, from Magic Knight Rayearth. The MKR girls had pretty lazy designs. Omg, the red-haired girl has red eyes, red powers and a red school uniform! And the blue-haired girl has blue eyes, blue powers and a blue school uniform! At least Fuu didn't have green hair. 21st: Seth Nightroad, from Trinity Blood. ...and again... 22nd: Lyra, from Pokemon. ...followed by Lyra. Why can't I even try!? 23rd: Ururu, from Bleach. I don't like Bleach, but Ururu is quite sweet. But my dislike for Bleach prevents me from being bothered to look up her last name. 24th: Kiki, from Kiki's Delivery Service. 25th: Kagome Higurashi, from Inuyasha. *sigh* 26th: Kagome Higurashi and Inuyasha, from Inuyasha. what!? 27th: Princess Shirahoshi, from One Piece. This was a birthday gift for KawaiiPandah, and naturally it was posted on my DA as its own piece. The pic breaks the rules that I'd have to colour the pics in the drawing project in the order they're drawn, but it's not like KP should wait for the (already badly delayed) gift even longer just because of my stupid rules. I considered recolouring it for the project, but it seemed to be a very stupid idea to create a worse piece of something that already has pretty nice colours. I have no idea where the rocks came, I was just trying to fill in the thing she's sitting on, and suddenly there was a nice pile of rocks. I have a feeling that my drawings tend to be the best when I have no idea what's going on... 28th: Hermione Granger, from Harry Potter. Chibi drawings are always a lazy choice, but I like how her hair turned out. 29th: Nami, from One Piece. 30th: Seth Nightroad, from Trinity Blood. Already the third one this month. I didn't remember drawing the Unasf coat though, I thought I always used the stupid tea seller thing. 31st: Kagomme Higurashi, from Inuyasha. Aaaand Kagome beats even Seth as of January! wo hoo! Good for her I guess. Favourite of the month: Okay now this isn't even a contest, 27th. The Rapunzel pic for 9th with my awesome background technique would be my favourite if it was a fair contest and I hadn't been purposely trying my best with the other pic. February 2012 February 1 - February 15 || February 16 - February 29 1st: Lyra, from Pokemon. Great start for the month huh? 2nd: Ariel, from Disney's the Little Mermaid. 3rd: Seth Nightroad, from Trinity Blood. Surprisingly good picture of her. Tea seller outfit no less! It's a mystery why I wasted such a nice body for one of the laziest outfits... Actually it's not that mysterious at all, anything else would have been a lot more work. 4th: Beta, my own character. Okay, what is going on? Practically the rest of the month is Seths and Pokemon/Digimon characters just standing there, and then there's this? I believe that when I drew the sketch I planned this to be a bright daytime picture, but I'm fairly sure that sunset was a better choice. 5th: Beta, my own character. Same as the previous day. Where did this sudden ~quality~ come from? This has such nice colours that I'm willing to ignore the weird anatomy with her leg. Why can't every day be like this? 6th: Hikari Yagami, from Digimon Adventure. Okay, back to normal. 7th: Seth Nightroad, from Trinity Blood. 8th: Kagome Higurashi, from Inuyasha. 9th: Lyra, from Pokemon. 10th: May, from Pokemon. 11th: Seth Nightroad, from Trinity Blood. 12th: Beta, my own character. 13th: Seth Nightroad, from Trinity Blood. 14th: Beta, my own character. 15th: Kiki, from Kiki's Delivery Service. 16th: Beta and ???, my own characters. Finally something worthwile after 10 day streak of rubbish. As you might notice this one has lineart drawn with computer instead of colouring the pencil sketch. That is because I drew the sketch during a lecture in my notebook. The sketch was nice enough to deserve proper colouring, and I thought that it'd be less work to redraw the lineart than trying to clean the sketch properly. The brown haired girl is from the same story as Beta, but I don't know much about her. Actually I don't even know what she's supposed to look like; the girl I drew is more like a placeholder character for a role I'll have to fill. 17th: Seth Nightroad, from Trinity Blood. 18th: Beta, my own character. Trying to imitate the Trinity Blood manga author Kiyo Kyujyo's style. To be fair in my art "Kiyo's style" = "just copy the eyes"... I didn't even try imitating how he colours, that would be far too difficult. 19th: Dawn, from Pokemon. It's weird how a meh sketch can rise slightly from the swamp of utter garbage just by picking a non-trivial (?) colour for shading. 20th: Lyra and Chikorita, from Pokemon. 21st: Emi or Yumi Hanner, from the Irresponsible Captain Tylor. (can't be bothered to check which) 22nd: Beta and ???, my own characters. This was drawn to my notebook as well. This time, however, I didn't like the sketch enough to clean the it properly. You can see I didn't try too hard with the brown haired girl's hair... They look too young in this anyway. 23rd: Beta, my own character. This is from the notebook too. I bothered to clean the sketch slightly better because the drawing was so simple. 24th: Giselle, from Enchanted. 25th: Lyra, from Pokemon. 26th: Belle, from Disney's Beauty and the Beast. 27th: Charlotte la Bouff, from Disney's Princess and the Frog. All the Disney characters this month are due to the fact that I had spent fairly regularly time on designing the Pokemon Princesses project. 27th's Charlotte even has the Pokemon face... 28th: Seth Nightroad, from Trinity Blood. 29th: Therru, from Tales from the Earthsea. This was the day I borrowed Tales from the Earthsea cine-manga from the local library. It wasn't all that good... Favourite of the month: 5th. This time the choice wasn't quite as trivial as it often tends to be as 4th also has a stunning background (for my standards at least), and I'm pretty pleased with 16th too. But I'm just very happy with how the mood turned out in 5th, it's just as I planned. Ignoring the fact that I'll need a lot of practise drawing nature... For now I'm happy with this. March 2012 March 1 - March 15 || March 16 - March 31 1st: Yotsuba Koiwai, from Yotsuba&! This month started pretty well. Sure, this is nothing absurdly good, but there actually is something going on in the picture (she's playing with the acorns) as opposed to the character just standing there, so it is a little bit special. When I noticed that the month had started pretty well I decided to make it a special month where all pictures should be better than the boring standing thing. I did start slipping towards the end, but overall this month has a lot of good/ok pictures (at least if you consider the general quality in this project). 2nd: Lyra, from Pokemon No idea what's going on here... 3rd: Abel & Seth Nightroad, from Trinity Blood I think I had seen some nice TB fanart on DeviantArt on the day I drew this. 4th: Mirka & Ion Fortuna, from Trinity Blood There was a pic of Mirka holding a young Ion on Pixiv which inspired this, but it was a lot better. 5th: Beta and ???, my own characters Like the brown-haired girl from previous pics, the guy is just a placeholder to a character whose appearance is mostly a mystery to me. 6th: Abel Nightroad & Lilith Sahl, from Trinity Blood Pic makes no sense in canon but whatever, it has a background! 7th: Beta, my own character And another background! I don't think the lightning makes any sense in this pic, the back of the tree is completely black while you can clearly see Beta who is behind the tree (considering the light source). 8th: Kaya Sokka, from Trinity Blood I know next to nothing about the character, but I still like her based on the tiny summary Wikipedia has to offer on her. Or at least I love her design. Trying to imitate the TB manga style here (=copy the eyes). 9th: Lilith Sahl, from Trinity Blood Why is it that I never manage to draw her well? There's always something wonky about her face... 10th: ???, my own character And here is why we should remember to be humble. By this point I had noticed that this month had been going surprisingly well, and I was quite pleased with myself. For this day I randomly decided to draw an old OC of mine (her name was Maia I think). After drawing her I remembered that I should have an old "character sheet" type thing somewhere that also had her right colourscheme in copics. And I was even able to find that old pic in my arcives! Then I noticed that the character sheet thing also had a black&white drawing, from the same lesson where I had drawn and coloured the character sheet (it was on the back of the same psychology sheet). It had a very similar picture to this day's drawing, the pose was almost identical (see here, coloured version here)! Have I gotten nowhere in five years? Okay, it wasn't quite this similar; the legs were in a slightly different position but I changed them to suit the parallel better. But still. I was able to come up with a pose/scene like that five years ago during a psychology class, shouldn't I be able to do a little bit better by now? The old drawing is surprisingly good for the average quality back then though; here you can see what else was on it. I still have trouble believing that these were drawn on the same day... 11th: Lilith Sahl, from Trinity Blood Here she has a slightly more okayish face, but the other problem with her is the hair, which I've never managed to draw flowy and pretty. It always turns out all... lumpy when I draw it. Also, I assume I was pleased with her legs when I drew this considerin I chose a coat like that. 12th: Seth Nightroad, from Trinity Blood This was probably just for practising half-closed eyes. There's a long way to go... 13th: Lilith Sahl, from Trinity Blood 14th: Perona, from One Piece Somehow I really like this one. It has this attempt at perspective, and the colours are nice. 15th: Nami, from One Piece This is pretty cool as well, though the oldest looks pretty stupid. 16th: Beta, my own character Absolutely no idea what's going on here. Originally there was going to be a city down there, but that turned out far too difficult for me. 17th: Seth Nightroad, from Trinity Blood This is where I start slipping more seriously. 18th: Arrietty, from Borrowers The day I bought the DVD. 29th: Seth Nightroad, from Trinity Blood 20th: Misty, from Pokemon with Squirtle, Totodile, Mudkip, Piplup, Oshawott and Magikarp (I felt a strong need to draw a Magikarp). I forgot Piplup's collar thing from the lineart. 21st: Beta, my own character I have this project where I draw her in different styles. This is supposed to be "Wandering Son" (a manga series) style, but it's not recognisable at all so it won't get in the project either. 22nd: Beta, my own character The plan was to imitate a snow Miku image found on the net, but that turned out to be impossible. 23rd: Astharoshe Asran, from Trinity Blood 24th: Beta, my own character A background! 25th: Seth Nightroad, from Trinity Blood Long time no see tea seller outfit! Though I've drawn enough UNASF coats to cover for it. 26th: Seth Nihgtroad, from Trinity Blood Too lazy to draw the tiny detail on the dress. 27th: Ariel, from Little Mermaid, in Pokemon style (from the Pokemon Princesses project) People often tell me what pokemon the characters in my drawings have. I don't exactly like that, since I'd appreciate comments about the drawing much more than random lists of pokemon species. But here Ariel has a seagull, crab and a fish. I couldn't find anything that actually resembles Ariel's fish whose name escapes me, so she'll have to do with Qwilfish since they're both round-ish. 28th: Iris, from Pokemon 29th: Beta and ???, my own characters This was drawn during a statistics study group if I can remember correctly, and it wasn't good enough that I would have wanted to redraw the lineart. The name of the grey-haired girl was probably Kuu, and she was a friend of Maia's. 30th: Little Red Riding Hood It was around this time when I started the LRRH dress up. 31st: Lilo & Stitch, from... Lilo & Stitch This is my "add a flat coloured background and the pic turns awesome!" technique. Seriously though, I think I actually succeeded at something when colouring Lilo. Favourite of the month: 6 th. This time it was a lot harder to choose, but I like the mood here. April 2012 April 1 - April 15 || April 16 - April 30 1st: Beta, my own character (?) I accidentally thought that it was still March so I believed I still should have tried to maintain ~quality~. Not sure who the character is though, the hair says Beta but I don't think she has ever been in a situation like that. 2nd: Seth Nightroad, from Trinity Blood Then I noticed that the Month of Quality was over and that I could draw whatever rubbish I want. Back to usual it is then... 3rd: Lyra, from Pokemon I believe this had some kind of attempt at a different colouring technique, but it didn't work so I just blurred it. 4th: Leaf, from Pokemon 5th: Seth Nightroad, from Trinity Blood 6th: Kabuto, from Naruto, holding a Kabuto, from One Piece, with a Kabuto, from Pokemon on his head Ahahahahaha I've wanted to draw the Kabuto pic for years... 7th: Rins, from Spirited Away, Naruto, Fruits Basket, Usagi Drop, Vocaloid & Inuyasha The idea came from the Kabuto pic. Okay, the Spirited Away character might be Lin, but whatever. I like the Usagi Drop rin (little kid in black dress). Also, why did Naruto make it into this series, on two consecutive days no less? 8th: Ringos, from Angelic Layer, Tokyo Mew Mew & Mawaru-Penguindrum I found a few Ringos I know too when I searched Anime Characters Database for Rin. Not that I've played the TMM game that has Ringo, but I've read the series. 9th: Seth Nightroad No idea what happened to her colouring. 10th: Kagome Higurashi, from Inuyasha 11th: Kaedes, from Inuyasha, Angelic Layer, Suzunari! & Tiger&Bunny The Kaede pic is not nearly as good as the Rin & Ringo pics... I still have plans for a Masako picture. 12th: Mei, from Pokemon I think this was very close to the day her design was revealed. 13th: Dawn, from Pokemon 14th: Mei, from Pokemon Nice idea but the anatomy doesn't work at all. 15th: Mirka Fortuna, from Trinity Blood 16th: Natsumi Hinata, from Sgt Frog 17th: Ahiru, from Princess Tutu 18th: Seth Nightroad, from Trinity Blood 19th: Lyra, from Pokemon 20th: Seth Nightroad, from Trinity Blood ... 21st: Hilda, from Pokemon 22nd: Seth Nightroad, from Trinity Blood ...Come on! 23rd: Lyra, from Pokemon 24th: Hikari Yagami, from Digimon 25th: Mei, from Pokemon 26th: Sailor Moon, from... Sailor Moon 27th: Ponyo, from Ponyo on the Cliff by the Sea 28th: Charlotte, from Princess and the Frog 29th: Seth Nightroad, from Trinity Blood Fifth tea-seller this month, seventh overall. Yaaay. 30th: Lyra, from Pokemon Favourite of the month: 1st. This was quite a horrible month so there wasn't much competition though. The Rin and Ringo pics are pretty much the only other good pics... May 2012 May 1 - May 15 || May 16 - May 31 This was a month when I was drawing more stuff for my "Draw Beta in different anime styles" project. Since I ended up combining it with this one it lead to low quality pictures, because if I have a time limit that the drawing must be done in one day it's likely to lead to bad art. 1st: Tsumugi Kotobuki, from K-ON! I hate the series but I remember disliking Mugi the least. If I remember right it was around this time when I borrowed the manga from library. 2nd: Seth Nightroad, from Trinity Blood 3rd: Hilda, from Pokemon This is probaby the "pokemon girl alt outfits" series in its beta stage or something like that. The pose (and proportions) are copied from a character from the Sims2 instruction booklet. 4th: Seth Nightroad, from Trinity Blood 5th: Rosa, from Pokemon 6th: Dawn, from Pokemon "Redesigning" the outfit again. But it gets boring drawing the same thing all the time. 7th: Nami, from One Piece 8th: Beta, my own character 9th: Seth Nightroad, from Trinity Blood 10th: Lyra, from Pokemon Surprisingly good considering it's one of those "it's past my bedtime and I still have to draw something. I'll just draw a normal boring standing pose and... huh?" (anything else than the normal standing pose is a big thing in this project). 11th: Ahiru, from Princess Tutu Back when I coloured this I thought it was AWESOME and almost submitted it as its own deviation. I'm glad I didn't, it's not really that good. I guess I was distracted by the "background" again. 12th: Seth Nightroad, from Trinity Blood 13th: Conis, from One Piece Proportions don't work at all; she looks like a kid even if she has the timeskip hair style... 14th: Seth Nightroad, from Trinity Blood 15th: Beta in Mermaid Melody Picchi Picchi Pitch style 16th: Dawn, from Pokemon 17th: Vivi, from One Piece 18th: Beta in Clannad style The eyes! The eyes! Why are they so creepy!? 19th: Beta in Koge-Donbo's style This is somewhat creepy too but I think it manages to imitate the style pretty well. 20th: Beta in Detective Conan style The face is okay-ish for the style, but it's probaby just because it's Ran with a different hairstyle... 21st: Beta in Sailor Moon (manga) style I'm not too familiar with Sailor Moon style and this could be a lot better. 22nd: Beta in Kozue Amano's style Hair didn't turn out like I wanted but other than that I kind of like this. 23rd: Beta in... ws this supposed to be K-ON! or Lucky Star? Can't even remember... 24th: Beta in Disney style nope. 25th: Beta in Hiromu Arakawa's style nope. 26th: Seth Nightroad from Trinity Blood Back to normal. 27th: Homura Akemi from Puella Magi Madoka Magica 28th: Lyra, from Pokemon 29th: Beta in... Karin style? (can't be sure any more) 30th: Beta in Oh! My Goddess style This turned out surprisingly well even if it's just Belldandy with different hair. 31st: Beta in Ghibli style even if it doesn't look like it. Favourite of the month: 30th. No that there was much competition in this month though. June 2012 June 1 - June 15 || June 16 - June 30 1st: Seth Nightroad, from Trinity Blood 2nd: Leaf, from pokemon No idea about the colours. They must have been eyedropped from somewhere else, I doubt I would have managed that on my own. 3rd: Lilith Sahl & Seth Nightroad, from Trinity Blood The faces turned out pretty badly (especially Seth's), but other than that I really like this one. Two people in the same picture doing something else than standing, together?! 4th: Lyra, from Pokemon 5th: Seth Nightroad, from Pokemon 6th: Bianca, from Pokemon 7th: Mirka Fortuna, from Pokemon 8th: Seth Nightroad, from Trinity Blood 9th: Beta, my own character I still have no idea how to draw water... 10th: Beta, my own character Nor the shadows under the tree either. 11th: Seth Nightroad, from Trinity Blood 12th: Beta, my own character This was drawn probably around the time I coloured the Korra pic from March when I still thought drawing fire was totally cool. By the time it come to colouring this one I had completely forgotten how to do it. 13th: Cinderella, from (Disney's) Cinderella Eee that's one creepy face there. 14th: Beta, my own character Still with the fire. No idea what's going on or if the perspective makes any sense, but this was fun to draw. 15th: ??? Just a random witch. I like this one a lot. 16th: Abel & Seth Nightroad, from Trinity Blood Doesn't fit my headcanon too well but whatever. I like the idea but the realisation lacks. 17th: Beta, my own character Really liking this one. 18th: Seth Nightroad, from Trinity Blood 19th: Beta & ??? No idea what the point here is. 20th: Seth Nightroad, from Trinity Blood 21st: Hay Lin, from W.i.t.c.h. 22nd: Lyra, from Pokemon 23rd: Seth Nightroad, from Trinity Blood 24th: Mirka Fortuna, from Trinity Blood 25th: Leaf, from Pokemon "alt outfits" again. 26th: Seth Nightroad, from Trinity Blood 27th: Lyra, from Pokemon The lightning effect doesn't work does it? Should have tried to find some kind of reference or tutorial for that. 28th: Red, from Pokemon Whoa! A male character! 29th: Seth Nightroad, from Trinity Blood 30th: Bianca, from Pokemon Favourite of the month: 17th. June was a surprisingly good month for no real reason. July 2012 July 1 - July 15 || July 16 - July 31 1st: Seth Nightroad, from Trinity Blood 2nd: Seth Nightroad, from Trinity Blood 3rd: Lyra, from Pokemon 4th: Seth Nightroad, from Trinity Blood (...) 5th: Beta, my own character This one could be a lot better if I just bothered to colour it properly. 6th: Nami, from One Piece 7th: Camie, from One Piece 8th: Beta, my own character The colours made this surprisingly good considering it's just again one of those "Beta in a simple dress = super easy to draw" pics. 9th: Seth Nightroad, from Trinity Blood As usual the Manga Empire outfit gets good art. 10th: ??? I really like this one, I would've uploaded it as its own Deviation if it weren't for the bad face. But I hope I'll get back to the subject later to draw it properly. She's not walking on the flowers; they're supposed to grow in her footsteps. 11th: ??? Surprisingly good colouring for lineart as boring as this. 12th: Seth Nightroad, from Trinity Blood ...aaand back to normal. 13th: Katara, from Avatar : the Last Airbender The Avatardness phase has begun. 14th: Seth Nightroad, from Trinity Blood 15th: Beta, my own character Errr what's with the fire? I'm pretty sure I managed to suck less on earlier days. 16th: Seth Nightroad, from Trinity Blood 17th: Kagome Higurashi, from Inuyasha 18th: Lyra, from Pokemon 19th: Lass, from Pokemon Black&White 20th: Toph, from Avatar : the Last Airbender Without reference. 21st: Toph, from Avatar : the Last Airbender With reference. 22nd: Aang, from Avatar : the Last Airbender 23rd: Seth Nightroad, from Trinity Blood 24th: Bianca, from Pokemon I wanted to make the background yellow instead of white, but I didn't understand that part of the tutorial. But otherwise I like this one a lot. 25th: Hikari Yagami, from Digimon 26th: Zuko, from Avatar : the Last Airbender 27th: Lyra & Chikorita, from Pokemon 28th: Nami, from One Piece Nice atmosphere here, even if the water kinda sucks. 29th: Korra, from Avatar : Legend of Korra Huuuuuuh?!? Why does the colouring work best when I have no idea what I'm doing? 30th: Seth Nightroad, from Trinity Blood 31st: Beta, my own character Nice idea, but the colours are kinda dull. Favourite of the month: 10th, even with the bad face. But seriously, 6 tea seller Seths in one month?! That's like one fifth of the whole month! August 2012 August 1 - August 15 || August 16 - August 31 1st: Margo, Edith & Agnes, from Despicable Me Love the movie. Margo & Edith poses copied from official artwork (this time on purpose for artistic reasons and not because of laziness or lack of ability). Shame Agnes didn't have a suitable reference available. 2nd: Yancy, from Pokemon For the "alt outfits" series. 3rd: Seth Nightroad, from Trinity Blood 4th: Toph, from Avatar : the Last Airbender 5th: Rosa, from Pokemon 6th: Seth Nightroad, from Trinity Blood 7th: Beta, my own character This was drawn on a ship during my cruise to a zoo in Sweden. That's why she's dressed for a safari, and that's why the art sucks more than usual (it was drawn in a bed). 8th: Lyra, from Pokemon 9th: Seth Nightroad, from Trinity Blood 10th: Seth Nightroad, from Trinity Blood 11th: Abel Nightroad, from Trinity Blood 12th: Lilith Sahl, from Trinity Blood 13th: Cain Nightroad, from Trinity Blood These ended up being a series. I usually draw the pic of the day in the evening when I'm tired, which every now and then shows in the drawings as well. 14th: Seth Nightroad, from Trinity Blood 15th: Beta, my own character 16th: Chocola Meilleur, from Sugar Sugar Rune 17th: Seth Nightroad, from Trinity Blood 18th: Seth Nightroad, from Trinity Blood Stupid face but the dress is nice. 19th: Bianca, from Pokemon 20th: Toph & Katara, from Avatar : the Last Airbender Here start the Avatar kids in Pokemon style. 21st: Aang, Zuko & Sokka, from Avatar : the Last Airbender 22nd: Yue, Ty Lee & Suki, from Avatar : the Last Airbender 23rd: Azula & Mai, from Avatar : the Last Airbender 24th: Korra, from Avatar : the Legend of Korra And Korra... 25th: Asami, from Avatar : the Legend of Korra and Asami from the Korra characters. 26th: Bolin, from Avatar : the Legend of Korra The Bolin drawing on the other hand didn't work out so the Pokemon Korra project was stalled when I had serious trouble bothering to design and draw the boring brothers. 27th: Seth Nightroad, from Trinity Blood 28th: Merida, from Brave 29th: Ranma, from Ranma one half 30th: Kiki, from Kiki's Delivery Service 31st: Seth Nightroad, from Trinity Blood Favourite of the month: 20th for Toph I guess. Not a very good month, but I guess the Avatar/Pokemon kids are a good achievement. Only four tea-seller Seths this month... September 2012 September 1 - September 15 || September 16 - September 30 1st: Seth Nightroad, from Trinity Blood Surprise quality of her. 2nd: Beta, my own character I have no idea what this is about. But as usual I get best results when I have no plan or any kind of idea what's going on. 3rd: Seth Nightroad, from Trinity Blood 4th: Hikari Yagami, from Digimon 5th: Nami, from One Piece 6th: Leaf, from Pokemon 7th: Seth Nightroad, from Trinity Blood 8th: Bianca, Hilda & Rosa, from Pokemon It's funny how little work it takes to make a fun picture of bad art. I could have drawn the characters just standing there against a white background, but slightly altering their poses (even if I can't draw them properly) and adding a coloured background really makes a difference... 9th: Beta, my own character This could be a lot better, but again the colours are somehow dull. 10th: Seth Nightroad, from Trinity Blood 11th: Seth Nightroad, from Trinity Blood 12th: Nefertari Vivi, from One Piece 13th: Luna Lovegood, from Harry Potter 14th: Aisa, from One Piece 15th: Ty Lee, from Avatar : the Last Airbender 16th: Furret & Lyra, from Pokemon 17th: Kagome Higurashi, from Inuyasha 18th: Yancy, from Pokemon 19th: Seth Nightroad, from Trinity Blood 20th: Sora Takenouchi, from Digimon 21st: Kagome Higurashi, from Inuyasha 22nd: Seth Nightroad, from Trinity Blood 23rd: Nami, from One Piece 24th: Seth Nightroad, from Trinity Blood 25th: Dawn, from Pokemon 26th: Kagome Higurashi, from Inuyasha Third time this month already! 27th: May, from Pokemon 28th: Seth Nightroad, from Trinity Blood 29th: Lyra, from Pokemon 30th: Seth Nightroad, from Trinity Blood Favourite of the month: 2nd. What's with the drastic decrease in quality in the second half of the month? October 2012 October 1 - October 15 || October16 - October 31 1st: Digimon for the Digimon character creator Didn't feel like drawing extra stuff for the pic of the day after drawing these. 2nd: Kagome Higurashi, from Inuyasha 3rd: Seth Nightroad, from Trinity Blood 4th: Digimon for the Digimon character creator 5th: Digimon for the Digimon character creator 6th: Misty, from Pokemon 7th: Digimon for the Digimon character creator 8th: Seth Nightroad, from Trinity Blood 9th: Beta, my own character Texture from inthename-stock 10th: Chocola Meilleur, from Sugar Sugar Rune Arrrr! Forgot the ponytail! 11th: Seth Nightroad, from Trinity Blood 12th: Dawn, from Pokemon 13th: Nancy Trelawney, from Enchanted for the Pokemon Princesses series 14th: ??? Texture from... uh, where did I get this? I don't have a link anywhere... Sorry, I'll try to find it somewhere. 15th: Lyra, from Pokemon 16th: Ariel, from the Little Mermaid in Pokemon Princesses style. 17th: Seth Nightroad, from Trinity Blood 18th: Bianca, from Pokemon 19th: Seth Nightroad, from Trinity Blood 20th: Beta, my own character Wingkei's winning design from the Magical Girl Beta contest. 21st: Anna, from Frozen (concept art) 22nd: Seth Nightroad, from Trinity Blood 23rd: Ariel, from the Little Mermaid I dont' think the anatomy works here... 24th: Lyra, from Pokemon 25th: Hikari Yagami, from Digimon 26th: Digimon for the Digimon character creator 27th: Digimon for the Digimon character creator 28th: Seth Nightroad, from Trinity Blood 29th: Lyra, from Pokemon 30th: Ayu, from Kanon without reference 31st: Seth Nightroad, from Trinity Blood Favourite of the month: 9th. Okay this was a bad month. November 2012 1st: Misty, from Pokemon 2nd: Toph, from Avatar : the Last Airbender 3rd: Mei, Ting-Ting & Su from Mulan 2 & Sofia & Amber from Sofia the First for the Pokemon Princesses project 4th: Seth Nightroad, from Trinity Blood 5th: Seth Nightroad, from Trinity Blood 6th: Beta, my own character 7th: Kagome Higurashi, from Inuyasha 8th: Seth Nightroad, from Trinity Blood 9th: Beta, my own character 10th: Seth Nightroad, from Trinity Blood 11th: Digimon for the Digimon character creator 12th: Seth Nightroad, from Trinity Blood 13th: Seth Nightroad, from Trinity Blood Concluding with the same thing as the previous November 13ths. Favourite of the month: 13th. Not that there was much competition... And lastly to the little statistics. This year I didn't get as many repeats on the same subject since there was a larger pool of easy subjects to choose from. Art comparison for 2010-2011-2012 There were people who preferred the 2010 version, but I still think the newest is the best. Though the face would need more work. Having stuff like the Pokemon girls available for subjects didn't stop this one from multiplying. At least it's less than last year... Apparently even I couldn't take drawing the same thing all the time any more and towards the end random variations of the outfit started to appear. Total = 40 The different incarnations of the Unasf outfits Hooo, only 22 Unasf Seths. And four of them are actually better-than-average quality (the fourth being the sleepy one that was a part of a series drawn on separate days)! There were a few pics of the other Crusnik kids in their unash uniform (without Seth) as well, but anything Trinity Blood that is not Seth in her easy outfits deserves a special mention and therefore shouldn't be lumped in the "here I am drawing the same stuff again" compilations that are made to represent the fail. Total = 22. Less than a half of last year! If I had known this went better than expected before starting the compilation I wouldn't have done it at all. The lazy dress last year was the super easy dress I drew because it was the easiest outfit ever to colour. This year while I've obviously used it since it's easy to draw at least most of the pics have even a little artistic ambition in them, and in some cases a simple white dress was even intentional. I think I'm missing some, didn't that one Beta drawing from March where she's standing on a roof have a white dress too...? Total = 17 I thought there were more, but the outfit is pretty complicated and I didn't have to draw the same character all the time, so maybe it's not that surprising after all. Total = 3 The new Tea Seller outfit. Sadly there are no more alterations of the outfit, it would have been interesting. Total = 26 There were quite a few drawings on the other pokemon girls too, but since there weren't more than 6 of the same character/outfit for them I thought they wouldn't warrant their own picture. Total = 7 Probably shouldn't be grouped here with the ~fail~ of the other compilation pictures, but since their amount surpassed even the Tea-Seller Seth it was kind of obligatory. It's cool how so little of them are on the "durr I just have to draw something fast" line; most of them have like backgrounds! Or computer lineart! Or they are part of a series that required actual design effort! Total = 49 |