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Pokemon Princesses 6 - Daughters of Triton edition

(October 28, 2012)

This seemed like a better idea before I started drawing and noticed that I'd have to rip out six designs from the identical mermaid tail + seashell bra combo that practically had as little detail as possible. More about Ariel in Pokemon Princesses 1. Melody is in Pokemon Princesses 5.

In general the outfits are way too revealing for this drawing series, but since they are, well, mermaids who wear nothing but the seashell bra I decided that it's ok this time and went for a summer/beach look. And the pointy ribbon things are supposed to represent the mermaid tail and be a common theme to tie the designs together.

While their original colours were bretty unhelpful the hairstyles were fun and distinct and fit the pokemon world pretty well.

arista arista

The ribbon thing around her neck is supposed to be attached to the dress; it's not a strapless tube dress.

I like the idea for the sandals but sadly you can't see it properly. There's supposed to be two laces in different colours tied to a ribbon, a long pink one and a short black one.

Her hairstyle was a bit inconsistent (or she had more than one) so I picked the one that was most different from anything I've used so far.

attina attina

When I first sketched the designs I had no plans who'd get which outfit. These pants were supposed to be normal jeans and it was too late when I noticed I had given them to Attina which forced me to colour them orange and not blue...

I like the sandals and how it was easy to turn the crown thing into a ribbon, similar to the one Sakura has in Naruto.

adella adella

The shirt draws its inspiration heavily from Rosa; how it's tied behind her neck was a nice idea and gave me an easy way to include the pointed ribbon, and turning a seashell into a pokeball wasn't that hard either. I'm not a fan of adding patterns like that, but I didn't have too many ideas left at that point so I had to let it pass. At least the seashell pokeball is a bit more originall than just using the normal pokeball design.

The shoes remind me of Naruto way too much for my liking...

She was the only one whose original design had different colours for the tail and bra. The others were way more boring to colour.

alana alana

This outfit has too much going on for my liking. It just... doesn't work. It's mostly just leftover designs thrown together. Oh well.

andrina andrina

She had this weird head piece that gave a lot of opportunities, but I don't think I managed to use them all that well. This one would have needed more work.

I like the idea of the double zipper and the hat though.

Originally she had too long arms so I made them shorter. Unfortunately I didn't realise that I should have shrunk the hands a bit as well.

aquata aquata

This one got pretty good hands. I really should use reference more often since it's ridiculously easy; usually I do have my hands with me to use as reference...

This one might be my favourite. Blue is my favourite colour so I'm a bit biased, but the colours do please me the most. And all the shirt, skirt and shoes have some kind of interesting idea.

(the shirt collar is supposed to be the... whatever that waist part of the tail is called.)
