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Hatsune Miku Dress up
January 27, 2010 Miku Hatsune, from Vocaloid I don't really know much about Vocaloid, I can only name a few characters and I've listened few of their songs on YT. But when I saw Miku's Diva cosplay on a random site I just had to make a game out of them. I don't remember what made me shade with gradients, but I can see I'd need a lot of practice on that... The dark blue skirt/shirt outfit that can be seen in the preview picture is my favourite. |
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Naruto Couples Dress up v.2
April 4, 2010 Characters from Naruto I don't quite remember what made me make this game. And even if it does have most of the important characters, I still get requests to add more. And the yaoi/yuri options too. And no, Obito has never been confirmed to be Tobi so far in the manga. The cosplay section was especially fun to do. Though the Mad hatter outfit took a long time to finish (Alice wasn't exactly easy either). I've been asked about the sources of the cosplay outfits a few times, maybe I should make that a page here on BtM? |
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Alice in Wonderland Dress up
May 17, 2010 Alice, from... Alice in Wonderland I went to see the Johnny Depp movie and instantly got inspired. Unfortunately I only managed to get one of the movies three blue dresses in this game, as back then there was no DVD version available, and it was hard to find proper reference pictures even of her main dress. I also got reference by googling Halloween Alice outfits. At some point I thought about including a special page for red queen cosplay outfits, but in the end decided to keep the whole game blue. So far this is the only game where I've drawn the artwork somewhere else than Flash (Photoshop). I still sort of lack in Photoshop skills so the quality isn't what I had in mind, but I still like this. And the mix & match part of the skirts and tops works surprisingly well. At first I planned this to have different patterns to add to the dress (black pinstripes, white pinstripes, wide white stripes, black polka dots, white polka dots, white grid and black grid), but realised that it'd be too much work and made some separate dresses with patterns. This game won the second "Which of these ideas should I make next?" poll I had. Actually I was totally surprised to see the Alice game win, because main reason I even included it as an option was "Well it's nicer if there are more options, so what should I throw in... Alice?". |
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W.i.t.c.h. Guardian Maker
June 15, 2010 Based on W.i.t.c.h., an Italian comic (It got a TV show too, but I don't care about it *never watched*. The comic is the only Witch for me) This one I consider to be one of my best games. For staters, it has fairly good artwork, and I even bothered to shade it. Also I came up with various ways to cut down the file size, which has helped me a lot in my later projects. It is easy to operate as well (is it? At least in my opinion), and the artwork on the buttons isn't horrible (usually I don't bother with the buttons too much). But mainly I like it because it has a theme and sticks to it. It has enough stuff to have a lot of customisation options, but not too much that it becomes messy. Also it only has Witch related options. A lot of people have requested for more colours, but my stance on this is strict: The Witches in the series don't wear anything but purple, so a game that is supposed to create Witch characters shouldn't have any other colour options either. Red and blue as colour options are about as relevant to a Witch game as Agumon and Hogwart's Sorting Hat are to a Pokemon game. Suuuuure it would be super duper cool if the game had options to create a character in all the colours of the rainbow, but it wouldn't be a Witch character anymore, because Witches only wear the aforementioned purple and green. And I think that a "Witch character creator" has failed if it doesn't create Witch characters. Another common comment has been about the purple colour. Now that I look at it I can say that I could have used a slightly darker shade, but definitely not anything closer to pink. I'm vaguely aware that their outfits are green/pinkish in the TV series, but I don't really care about it, and therefore am not willing to change the original comic colours to suit an adaptation I've never seen. Well anyway I had a lot of fun trying to track down official Witch uniforms and then coming up with stuff that could fit in the series. Even if I say it myself I think that unless you go overboard and add every possible item (and have your character look like a walking christmas tree) the characters from the game could fit in the Witch world. For a reason unknown to me the game is missing Halinor's front hair style. I drew and coded it, but apparently it disappeared somewhere in the final phases of organising the buttons. |
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Pokemon Girls Dress up
June 19, 2010 Female characters, from Pokemon This is one of the few games where I'm satisfied with the body, and the face/hair artwork isn't too bad either (except for Jessie). And Bel's hat doesn't work properly with her hair. And Iris still has the colourshceme I guessed when we only had a tiny black&white picture of her, so I get "Iris should be black/tan" comments regularly. And yet again people can't be bothered to read the artist's comments, even when I made them as short as I ever could. Despite the artist's comments clearly asking not to request me to add more characters, I still get "Can you add ___?"s... Bulbapedia lists over 400 female characters. I sure won't start drawing more every time someone notices that some of their favourites out of them is missing... Aaand I specifically put "click these links if you want to know who the characters are, I won't be answering to any 'OMG whos mint' questions". It didn't take long before someone asked who Mint was... |
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Mirka Fortuna Dress up
July 2, 2010 Mirka Fortuna (Ion's grandmother), from Trinity Blood I think this game was createrd mainly because I enjoyed drawing Mirka's clothes on Seth and for some reason felt like drawing them again. And Mirka had some stuff I thought wouldn't fit the Seth game too well, so now I got the chance to draw them as well. And I sorta like Mirka, even if she doesn't appear that much. She had surprisingly many outfits for such a background character (okay some of those are from where she was playing the empress but still). See the source material for her outfits here. |
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Astheroshe Asran Dress up
July 27, 2010 Astharoshe "Asthe" Asran, from Trinity Blood This game came out of nowhere, I never had any plans to make an Asthe game before I saw that formal dress of hers. In the end that specific dress turned out quite bad... But it makes a nice addition to my Trinity Blood dress up gallery. I forgot to test the hair buttons before I submitted this in the evening, and when I woke up I had received 18 comments that the hair doesn't work. Nowadays I try to check my games a bit better. See the source material for her outfits here. |
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K-ON! Dress up v.2
August 6, 2010 Mio, Yui, Ritsu, Tsumugi and Azusa, from K-ON! As I said with the earlier K-ON! game, I still don't care for the series, but its endings and music videos have a lot of interesting designs. The artwork in this game could be better, but I'm still relatively satisfied with it. And I like how all the girls can have all the possible hairstyles, and the hairstyle won't change when you change the girl. Oh, was it arrogant to say it myself? But I still like it... |
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Shahrazad al Rahman Dress up
September 12, 2010 Shahrazad "Shahra" al Rahman, from Trinity Blood I don't even remember what made me do the Shahra game, I don't even like her that much. I guess the fact that she didn't have too many outfits affected my decision. It sort of bothers me that I spent a lot of time drawing her ponytail, but in the end most of it ended up being hidden by her body... See the source material for her outfits here. |
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Hanabi Hyuuga dress up
October 24, 2010 Hanabi Hyuuga, from Naruto I wanted to take a break from larger projects, and the Hanabi game was a nice choice for that. Despite her lack of panel time (or maybe because of that, given how female characters are treated in the manga) she is my favourite female character in Naruto. Reasons: She's cool and awesome. I like her design. She doesn't have "I love *male character*" as backstory/motivation/defining characteristic. She appears so little that the manga author hasn't had the change to troll her. She doesn't have an annoying fandom constantly claiming how she is supposedly the center of the Narutoverse. Since it's such a small game I don't have much to say about it, but I like how the face and the kimono turned out. And no, because I draw Hanabi does not mean that I'd be somehow obligied to draw her sister. |
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Dress up lottery compilation
December 28, 2010 Various characteres requested by the participants of the lottery Before Christmas I felt a bit Christmas spirited and put up a dress up lottery: People (who read the rules) could send notes with a character they wanted to request, and I drew lots on which ones I drew in the game. Despite the fact that the first rule said "read the rules, fail to abide by them and be disqualified" I had to disqualify over ten participants. Is it really that hard? Sorry, if you can't be bothered to read one journal entry I can't be bothered to spend hours on drawing your request. This game is the first one to use more advanced coding, which really cuts down the required code amount. But there are still quite a lot of embarrassing solutions, nowadays I could code it a bit better... This is also the first (and hopefully the last) game to use double menus. It was a pain to code, I hope I'll never get the same brain malfunction to make it again. But unfortunately the double menus were sort of necessary, since the clothes are so random that I thought it'd be best to categorise them by outfit, but I also wanted a "shirts" "pants" etc sorting as well. Actually this game is against one of my most important dress up making principles: Pick a topic and stick to it. It's almost impossible to mix & match the items in this game, since the range is pretty wide, from kimonos to school uniforms to magical girl dresses to futuristic Vocaloid outfits to suits etc. Oh well. Surprisingly few male characters made it to this game. I'm sure there were more in the participants, but apparently they got unlucky in the lottery. |
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